So one day I started praying for guidance, and I decided that it needed to be on my daily prayer list (because the rest of my life is kind of a big deal, so I should maybe try and make sure I do it right.) I ask God to guide me in the right direction, and for the longest time I thought he was ignoring me. And then I read 1 Samuel 3:8-10:
8"The Lord called Samuel again, for the third time. Getting up and going to Eli, he said, "Here I am. You called me." Then Eli understood that the Lord was calling the youth. 9So he said to Samuel. "Go to sleep, and if you are called, reply, 'Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.'" When Samuel went to sleep in his place, 10 the Lord came and revealed his presence, calling out as before, "Samuel, Samuel!" Samuel answered, "Speak, for your servant is listening.""
And in that moment I realized the most important part of my relationship with God: listening. God can talk to me and guide me all He wants, but it won't do any good unless I'm willing to listen to what He has to say. So here I am today to say:
I am listening.