Quite a boring day here. I didn't have class until 11 but I decided that I should try to go to bed around the same time each night and wake up between 8 and 9 on MWF so my body isn't in as MUCH of a shock for my 8 am T TH classes. So I woke up and got ready for the day. Then I watched some of the Today show-so much information! My 2 classes today were easy. I took a nap after them. Katlyne and I had to go to the bookstore to buy our World Geography books. We're in the same class, different section. It was starting to turn chillier. I did Pilates by MYSELF today because little miss Katlyne didn't want to join me. We had supper with some friends from Lawther-they have to walk outside to eat dinner-haha! Around 6:45 I headed to Hudson(which is the picture of the day). I accompany a choir at a little methodist church over there. The choir is about 8 people, but we have fun-and I get paid. We practice on Wednesday nights. It's my picture of the day because it's our first practice since before Christmas. I love the people at this church. Not only do they pay me, but they sent me a finals care package AND a Christmas present! How generous. Anyway, I should I already be in bed. So here's the photo.

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