'Twas a long day today. We didn't have Religion class because we had essays due this evening. After Math I came back to my room and worked on my essays a little. I ate lunch with Katlyne and Danielle and then headed to French class. I grabbed a snack from the Union and studied a little before my World Geo test. I am definitely not sure how I did on that. Hopefully well! After class I booked it back to my room to finish my essays. They were due by 5:00. I turned it at approximately 4:54. Nothing like procrastination. :) After supper with Katlyne and Tiffany, I started my project. I am sending Zac a Valentine's Day card for the first 14 days of February. Handmade, I might add. I bought some new stamps at Hobby Lobby the other day and went to town on the cards. They're cute. :) I headed to church choir practice around 7 and when I got there I came upon this...
Rob, Amber and Ann sitting on the floor of the office-LOL! I love these people. After choir I went to the lounge because Katlyne and Morgan were in there. They studied, I painted my nails deep purple. Super pretty! I don't paint my nails often. Every time I do paint them, I remember why I don't paint them often. They just never seem to look good! Anyway, I'm heading to bed now. Happy Hump Day tomorrow! :)
My amazing family.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
January 30
Zac left about 7:15 this morning to head back home. He had class this morning. I stayed in bed until about 8:45 and then I got up and went to the Union to work out. I came back and showered and headed to my 11:00 class. When I was about halfway there my friend Rachel (who is also in that class) texted me and said, "hey, no class". I said sweet! So I ate lunch and then went to my noon class with good old Flavia. She's such a cutie. She brought us chocolate because she's trying to lose weight so she didn't want it in her house anymore. A quote from her today: "I don't know if I will have you guys again so now that I have you I'm just going to stuff you with knowledge!" hahaha. After class I changed clothes and headed to work. The shift went by pretty fast. I got off at 6 and tried for 10 minutes to find a parking spot. I finally found one about a mile and a half away. But oh well. It wasn't too cold out and walking never killed me before. When I got back I ate supper and then Katlyne came to my room to study. We are the worst studiers in the world. She got tired of studying so decided to cuddle with my yoga mat:
Danielle locked her out of the room and is now in a meeting and can't come unlock the door. So we're just chillin' here in my room.
January 29
'Twas a busy day today. I was up & at 'em at 7:30 this morning. I headed to Hudson to play for the choir, and right after the choir was done singing I left to make it to St. Stephen's to practice with the choir before mass. We sang(and sounded awesome). Father was pretty long-winded so church didn't get over until 11:45. I went to the dining center to eat some brunch. After brunch I took a much needed nap as I didn't sleep well the night before. I did some homework and then headed to work around 5. I worked 5:30 to recovery, and we actually got out of there around 9:20-which is pretty good considering Lonna was the supervisor. After work I hung out with Katlyne and Danielle for a little while, and we talked in the hallway with Joyce (RA). This is what Katlyne does for fun:
She locks Danielle out of the room. It sounds mean but it's actually HILARIOUS. Anyway, we chatted with Joyce, who was so excited to be on call, as you can tell by the photo:
Around 10:30 Zac arrived. He missed me so he drove all the way here after work. We stayed up talking until about 12:45 and then finally headed to bed.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
January 28
After the long night last night I stayed in bed until 10ish this morning. I showered and got ready for work. I worked 12-4. I ended up working most of the day in Customer Service doing returns. After work I headed to Hobby Lobby and got some supplies to make Zac's Valentine's day present. :) It's gonna be cute. I'll post a picture later when it's done. After Hobby Lobby I headed to Walmart to get some necessities-cereal, kleenex, and the like. My day was MADE when I saw this in Walmart:
MY FAVORITE THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD. I am so excited that they're out already. :)
I got some supplies at Hobby Lobby to re-decorate our door. I also got stuff to make this:
It's a memory jar. I will write down things that happen throughout the year that make me laugh or that I just want to remember. I will read them all on New Year's Eve :)
I'm just hanging out with Katlyne in my room right now. I let her have one of my Cadbury creme eggs. She'd never had one before. This was her reaction:
She loved it!
Friday, January 27, 2012
January 27
It has been quite a long day-but it was all in good fun. Classes were not hard-at all. In fact, I LOVE going to my French class everyday. It's basically like visiting my grandmother. Flavia is adorable. Anyway, after class I had lunch with my friend Courtney from French class. We had a digestion period and then went to workout. Her roommate Maggie tagged along too. Productive day. After a workout I showered and started, yes started, getting ready for the evening. Katlyne, Danielle, Chloe and I went to the GBPAC to see The Magic Flute with UNI's School of Music. Our RA was in the orchestra and quite a few of our friends were in the choir. It was fun! We were late, however. Note to self: when planning things with Chloe, tell her she needs to be ready an HOUR before the actual time she needs to be ready by. Then MAYBE she'll be ready on time. After the opera we mingled in the lobby with the people from the performance. Around 11:45 Katlyne, Danielle, Brandon, Brett and I headed to Tony's to get some pizza. Tony's is AMAZING. We had a great time. It is now 1:36 in the morning and I'm exhausted. Here are my photos. I'll post some more when I get them from Danielle. Bon weekend!
LOVE this girl.
LOVE this girl.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
January 26
So I tried an idea I got from Pintrest last night... after I showered I put a stretchy headband around my head (sort of life a gypsy look). Then I took all my hair and tucked it up in the headband. I slept on it and it's supposed to make your hair curly without heat. Well.......it didn't turn out QUITE as well as I had hoped. But it kinda had a wavy look, which was something different so I was ok with it.
In my World Geography class today the professor was talking about the snow we're supposedly getting tomorrow. A girl asked, "What time is it supposed to be here?". The professor replied, "sometime around 10. Where are you headed?" The girl said, "Northwest Iowa. I'm from Alta." I said, "You girls are from Alta?! My sister teaches spanish there!" "Mrs. Brown?! No way." It's a small world after all. (Now you have that song stuck in your head ;) ) After supper I headed to the church for the BEST NIGHT OF MY WEEK. Yep, Thursday nights at St. Stephen's means I get to meet up with Lucas, Liz, Rob, and Chloe for our praise and worship band that we started. It's so much fun. I look forward to going there all week because it's so relaxing. Lucas plays electric guitar, Liz plays bass, Rob plays acoustic, I play piano, and Chloe sings. Rob sings as well, and sometimes the guitar players are interchangeable. We have SO much fun. I'll have a picture some other day. My picture today is of me. I decided to hide in Danielle's closet. It's a common pastime of mine. :)
In my World Geography class today the professor was talking about the snow we're supposedly getting tomorrow. A girl asked, "What time is it supposed to be here?". The professor replied, "sometime around 10. Where are you headed?" The girl said, "Northwest Iowa. I'm from Alta." I said, "You girls are from Alta?! My sister teaches spanish there!" "Mrs. Brown?! No way." It's a small world after all. (Now you have that song stuck in your head ;) ) After supper I headed to the church for the BEST NIGHT OF MY WEEK. Yep, Thursday nights at St. Stephen's means I get to meet up with Lucas, Liz, Rob, and Chloe for our praise and worship band that we started. It's so much fun. I look forward to going there all week because it's so relaxing. Lucas plays electric guitar, Liz plays bass, Rob plays acoustic, I play piano, and Chloe sings. Rob sings as well, and sometimes the guitar players are interchangeable. We have SO much fun. I'll have a picture some other day. My picture today is of me. I decided to hide in Danielle's closet. It's a common pastime of mine. :)
Happy Friday everyone!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
January 25
For some reason I thought it was necessary to stay up until almost 1:00 last night. So due to that, I stayed in bed til 9:30. Just an fyi, my body HATES me today after my workout last night. Yikes. My photo of the day today is a picture of campus because it looks really pretty with all the snow.
So gorgeous!
I actually WORKED AHEAD today and started studying for a test that is not until Tuesday. Yay me! I had a nice workout after a short trip to Hudson for choir practice. A shower sounds real nice about now, and so does my bed.
Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
January 24
Tuesdays and Thursdays seem to drag on, but then I realize, "Oh, it's already 3:30". So they're not that bad. Although it does seem like a REALLY long time ago that I woke up..
The day was pretty uneventful. After classes I did some homework. I had to write a paper-in French-about my life at UNI. Only a rough draft is due tomorrow. I was a little worried, but it was actually way easier than I thought it would be. I guess I know more French than I realize :) We had dinner at 5:15-green bean casserole AGAIN. Amazing. Except it didn't have French Fried Onions. Bummer. The roast beef we got was awful...it was like chewing rubber. Most times the food in the Rialto isn't that bad. There's many options so one can usually find SOMETHING to fulfill a hunger. Anyway, after supper I finished my paper and headed to the church for Witness Choir practice. I could only stay for a while because I had a Relay team captain meeting at 8. That was very informational and I can't wait to start fundraising. Again, if anyone wants to donate, I'll post the link at the bottom! :) After the meeting Katlyne and I went to workout...it went pretty well but it seems like it took us way longer than usual. We stopped at 23rd Street on the way back to grab a gatorade and a post-workout snack. Now it's time to hit the hay. My body is going to hate me in the morning....
My photo of the day is a picture of our Relay results online. That money amount is only what has been raised ONLINE. That doesn't include sponsorships or any cash or check donations. Just. Online. Crazy amazing. I am so proud to be a part of something like this.
The day was pretty uneventful. After classes I did some homework. I had to write a paper-in French-about my life at UNI. Only a rough draft is due tomorrow. I was a little worried, but it was actually way easier than I thought it would be. I guess I know more French than I realize :) We had dinner at 5:15-green bean casserole AGAIN. Amazing. Except it didn't have French Fried Onions. Bummer. The roast beef we got was awful...it was like chewing rubber. Most times the food in the Rialto isn't that bad. There's many options so one can usually find SOMETHING to fulfill a hunger. Anyway, after supper I finished my paper and headed to the church for Witness Choir practice. I could only stay for a while because I had a Relay team captain meeting at 8. That was very informational and I can't wait to start fundraising. Again, if anyone wants to donate, I'll post the link at the bottom! :) After the meeting Katlyne and I went to workout...it went pretty well but it seems like it took us way longer than usual. We stopped at 23rd Street on the way back to grab a gatorade and a post-workout snack. Now it's time to hit the hay. My body is going to hate me in the morning....
My photo of the day is a picture of our Relay results online. That money amount is only what has been raised ONLINE. That doesn't include sponsorships or any cash or check donations. Just. Online. Crazy amazing. I am so proud to be a part of something like this.
PLUS we still have 80 days left. :) I definitely think our goal of reaching $100,000 is attainable!
Here's the link for donating:
Shit My Friends Say
Yesterday, in the process of complaining about the current status of the campus (ice, slush, snow, etc.), Tiffany(my roommate) and I were saying things that could be done to make it better. I.e.: When it gets warm during the day and all turns to slush, SCOOP IT OFF THE SIDEWALK so it doesn't freeze again at night. During this conversation Tiffany said, and I quote, "They should hire me. I'd do a good job." This is funny because she's a very quiet girl and all of a sudden this popped out. Hilarious!
January 23
Sorry it's late! There's a story behind it....
Driving home Sunday afternoon, I realized I left the power cord for my computer at home. Great. When I finished my French listening homework yesterday morning, I had 13% power left. Thank goodness I got it done! So yesterday my computer was completely dead. That's why I did not blog yesterday!
Yesterday was a pretty easy day. I had class from 11-1, ate lunch with Chris Gray, went to the library to work on a group project for French at 2:30, and then went to work out with Danielle around 3:45. We walked to the Piazza to meet Ben and Colby for supper around 5. It was a dangerous trek, but we made it. (Knock on wood) I have not fallen yet-which actually REALLY surprises me. I usually don't need the help of the weather to help me fall. But, alas, I have made it this long. After supper (and a necessary 45 minute digestion window) Danielle and I finished our workout in the lounge-working on abs. I showered and then headed to the Union with Calee for our UNI CAC Exec meeting that lasted WAY too long. We FINALLY headed back to our rooms at 10:00 and then, low and behold, I met Alex Taylor in the Towers Center to borrow his computer charger. Can you say life saver? That's why he's my picture of the day :)
Happy Tuesday!
Driving home Sunday afternoon, I realized I left the power cord for my computer at home. Great. When I finished my French listening homework yesterday morning, I had 13% power left. Thank goodness I got it done! So yesterday my computer was completely dead. That's why I did not blog yesterday!
Yesterday was a pretty easy day. I had class from 11-1, ate lunch with Chris Gray, went to the library to work on a group project for French at 2:30, and then went to work out with Danielle around 3:45. We walked to the Piazza to meet Ben and Colby for supper around 5. It was a dangerous trek, but we made it. (Knock on wood) I have not fallen yet-which actually REALLY surprises me. I usually don't need the help of the weather to help me fall. But, alas, I have made it this long. After supper (and a necessary 45 minute digestion window) Danielle and I finished our workout in the lounge-working on abs. I showered and then headed to the Union with Calee for our UNI CAC Exec meeting that lasted WAY too long. We FINALLY headed back to our rooms at 10:00 and then, low and behold, I met Alex Taylor in the Towers Center to borrow his computer charger. Can you say life saver? That's why he's my picture of the day :)
Happy Tuesday!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
January 22
So. Sleep. Deprived. Played piano at church today. I love doing that because 1) I love to play the piano and 2) I get paid 30 bucks(which is realllllllly good thing these days...) After church we had breakfast and I packed my stuff up. Ended up leaving around 12:45..without seeing my boyfriend before I left.............................................upset. Oh well. Over it (I think). So I drove back to CF. It misted on me for a while but the further east I went the less it was. When I got back to my room I reunited with Katlyne and Danielle-they missed me (I swear-they even said it!) Then I took about a 20 minute power nap before I went to work. Yes, I said work. I had to go to work today after having about 5 weeks off. It was only a 4 hour shift, which wasn't bad. Except that we were dead. I checked out MAYBE 20 people while I was there. Maybe. So I folded a lot of clothes (which, if you know me, is NOT one of my favorite things to do.) I got off at 7:45 and headed back to campus. The parking lot is a complete mess. COMPLETE MESS. and I had to park far away. and it was misting/raining. and it was freezing onto the ground. and i almost fell on my butt numerous times. We all know I don't need HELP falling. When I got back to the room I finished my paper up and sent it to Rachel for proofreading. I just submitted it and now I should probably do my French homework so I can get to bed. Things that are awesome: not having class until 11 tomorrow. Amazing! So I can actually get a decent amount of sleep tonight. Also, the Giants vs. Patriots in the Super Bowl this year. I hate the Patriots, so GO GIANTS! Anyway.....my photo of the day is of the newest member of my family: Flounder :)
Happy Sunday everyone!
Shit My Friends Say
This one is about my bestie Kristen from home. We were traveling from Taco Tico to Culver's to get ice cream. Kristen LOVES her dessert. We sat at a stop light and Kristen says: "Oh it's ok dad, you can turn left on red right here."
January 21
Without enough sleep, I got up and headed to Fort Dodge with my second father (Scott) to watch speech contest. We got there around 9:45. Kristen and Mollie's One Act performed around noon. It did tremendous, and they got a 1 so they'll head to state in 2 weeks. Woohoo! Here's some of my favorite Juniors:
L to R: Brett, Justin, Austin, and my best friends Mollie and Kristen
We watched the Freshmen readers' theater group that performed the same piece I performed in when I was a sophomore. These 3 boys are my swim team boys so I snapped a pic:
L to R: Brett, Justin, Austin, and my best friends Mollie and Kristen
We watched the Freshmen readers' theater group that performed the same piece I performed in when I was a sophomore. These 3 boys are my swim team boys so I snapped a pic:
Scott, Kristen, Mollie, and I headed to Taco Tico for lunch (YUM!) and then to Culver's for some frozen custard-Kristen loves her dessert.
My best friend........
Love her.
Noopsie group minus 1!
When we got back to RC I headed to Lytton to take supper to Zac at work. When I got back I took a nap while waiting for the arrival of Shelby and JD so we could go to supper. Shelby, JD, dad, and mom headed to Lake City and I waited a few minutes for Zac to get off work and then we headed there. We ate supper at Carnegie Cafe-prime rib again : ) Yum! We stopped to see Zac's mom before we left town and then came back and played some cribbage with the family. Finally headed to bed around 1. It was an overall good day but I was EXHAUSTED!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
January 20
I slept in today-but only until 9:00. I woke up to snow! But not as much here as they got in Cedar Falls. I only ended up missing one class because the other was cancelled due to the weather. Zac came over around 11 and we went to Jubilee to grab lunch from the deli (flashback!). He headed to work about 12:30....and I cuddled on the couch with Ginger and took a nap. :)
After the nap I worked out and then showered for the day (ha). My parents are characters. My mom got home around 3:15 from work and decided to start tackling the snow in the driveway (not literally). She tried and tried and tried to get the snowblower started and couldn't get it. So she started shoveling. When dad got home he decided to help her. He started the snowblower on the first try. My mother was legitimately pissed. Not even kidding. After the snow was scooped and everyone was showered and changed, we headed to Carroll for Rancho Grande (YUM!) for Anne Hildreth's going away party. She was my drill team coach when I was in high school. She's moving to Texas to work for a hospice company there. I think it's a good change for her.
So I had a virgin strawberry daiquiri...
After the nap I worked out and then showered for the day (ha). My parents are characters. My mom got home around 3:15 from work and decided to start tackling the snow in the driveway (not literally). She tried and tried and tried to get the snowblower started and couldn't get it. So she started shoveling. When dad got home he decided to help her. He started the snowblower on the first try. My mother was legitimately pissed. Not even kidding. After the snow was scooped and everyone was showered and changed, we headed to Carroll for Rancho Grande (YUM!) for Anne Hildreth's going away party. She was my drill team coach when I was in high school. She's moving to Texas to work for a hospice company there. I think it's a good change for her.
So I had a virgin strawberry daiquiri...
After supper they sang to her....
And then we took a picture together... :)
I drove home. Mom wasn't bad but dad had tossed back a few BV & Diets... We got back to town and I headed to Zac's, only to find out that he wasn't there (how annoying). So I headed out to Woody's at Twin Lakes where he and his friends were enjoying some drinks. We headed back to town after awhile and watched Due Date (Robert Downey Jr. is SO good looking!). Aaaaaand here I am. 2:30am and I'm not sleeping... 6.5 hours from now I will be with my 2nd father hangin out at a speech contest all day. Can't wait! :)
Friday, January 20, 2012
Shit My Friends Say
This is a special post to tell everyone how much I love my friends-and how hilarious they are. We'll start off with Katlyne. At supper the other night, I wanted to eat a brownie. She freaked out and said, "Whitney, no. Friends don't let friends get fat."
A few days before that, we were walking outside and she was frustrated. She said, "I can't see because when I breathe it fogs up my face!"
Moving on to Danielle.
Sometimes when we get to the dining center, they have just washed the silverware so the forks are warm. We were chilly from walking through the skywalk. I grabbed a warm fork and said "Yes! I love when the forks are warm." Danielle says: "I just want to lay on a pile of warm forks." Doesn't sound too comfortable to me.
Yesterday we were walking to the dining center and she randomly says, "If you were wondering, my favorite article of clothing is a sweater. I love sweaters. It's like wearing a blanket."
Just an insight on the things I hear daily... and I wouldn't want it any other way. :)
A few days before that, we were walking outside and she was frustrated. She said, "I can't see because when I breathe it fogs up my face!"
Moving on to Danielle.
Sometimes when we get to the dining center, they have just washed the silverware so the forks are warm. We were chilly from walking through the skywalk. I grabbed a warm fork and said "Yes! I love when the forks are warm." Danielle says: "I just want to lay on a pile of warm forks." Doesn't sound too comfortable to me.
Yesterday we were walking to the dining center and she randomly says, "If you were wondering, my favorite article of clothing is a sweater. I love sweaters. It's like wearing a blanket."
Just an insight on the things I hear daily... and I wouldn't want it any other way. :)
January 19
A long, COLD day of classes today. As long as the wind was down it wasn't too bad. My geography professor told us about he hurt his hand-he was scooping snow with gloves on so his hands were sweating. He took his glove off and his hand slipped or something? Anyway, his wet, sweaty hand hit a cold pole. We've all seen Dumb and Dumber..that's what happened. It ripped the skin off of his hand. It looked like it hurt so bad!
During my French class I got a text message from my dad. "What does your schedule look like tomorrow? You might want to consider coming home tonight." So I contemplated.. I only have 2 classes on Friday.. OK-I'll go home tonight. The awesome thing-I told Zac I wasn't coming home until Friday. After class I started packing.Around 3:45 Tiff and I got bundled up and walked to the WRC for a workout. Felt great! We hopped in my car then and drove it over by our building. After supper I finished packing and headed out. I stopped at Kohl's to check my schedule before leaving town. Then I was on the road! The drive didn't seem to bad. I got gas at the Grundy County Welcome Center! I got a Dr. Pepper to drink so I would stay awake-and because I was craving one. I called Aunt Sharon on the way home to chat and make the drive go faster. When I got home I had Zac call me when he got off work. Then I went to his house to surprise him. He said he kinda suspicioned that I was coming home early. He is so hard to surprise..... :( Anyway, he got home and we hung out in the garage with Lance. So Lance is my photo of the day....
During my French class I got a text message from my dad. "What does your schedule look like tomorrow? You might want to consider coming home tonight." So I contemplated.. I only have 2 classes on Friday.. OK-I'll go home tonight. The awesome thing-I told Zac I wasn't coming home until Friday. After class I started packing.Around 3:45 Tiff and I got bundled up and walked to the WRC for a workout. Felt great! We hopped in my car then and drove it over by our building. After supper I finished packing and headed out. I stopped at Kohl's to check my schedule before leaving town. Then I was on the road! The drive didn't seem to bad. I got gas at the Grundy County Welcome Center! I got a Dr. Pepper to drink so I would stay awake-and because I was craving one. I called Aunt Sharon on the way home to chat and make the drive go faster. When I got home I had Zac call me when he got off work. Then I went to his house to surprise him. He said he kinda suspicioned that I was coming home early. He is so hard to surprise..... :( Anyway, he got home and we hung out in the garage with Lance. So Lance is my photo of the day....
He's quite the character..
Happy Friday everyone!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
January 18
It was cold today, but it didn't seem so cold because the wind wasn't blowing. What a difference that makes! My classes were easy. Sometimes it seems like I don't even go to class on MWF (I do though, I promise!) After class I actually did homework-weird, I know-and then ate supper with Danielle, Katlyne, Nathan, Tiffany, and Jenna. After supper I headed to Hudson for choir practice. Short and sweet-and I actually got a decent parking spot when I came back-hoorah! I headed to the WRC for a workout. 3 cheers for me for actually staying on the elliptical for 30 minutes! Usually I don't have the will power. I lifted some weights and did an ab workout and headed back to my dorm. It seems like such a short walk while talking on the phone. I went to Joyce's(my RA) room to get my FISH!! We're having a survivor: fish competition. Hopefully mine will live longest, but probably not. My photo of the day, contrary to what you may think, is not of my fish. It's of the shirt I wore today. We got these shirts to promote Relay and since it's Campus Crusade this week, we were told to wear them. So I did. I think they're hilarious.
The front
The back.
It looks like they're 2 different colors but they're not, I promise! Happy Thursday tomorrow!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
January 17
So I was a little bit disoriented today because we didn't have classes yesterday. My math professor is crazy. Like legitimately crazy I think. And he's rude. He's one of those guys that makes you feel like an idiot in front of the whole class if you get the answer wrong. My religion professor, on the other hand, is awesome. She knows her stuff and she's really nice. I am actually really intrigued by that class. After lunch with Danielle and Katlyne, I headed to French class. I don't like my T TH French class because my professor talks too fast and I can't understand what she's saying half the time. Then I headed to World Geography-love that professor. He's a little scatter-brained and tells stories that sometimes have nothing to do with what we're talking about, but he's funny.
It's Campus Crusade this week for CAC. That means HALF PRICE REGISTRATION! Woohoo! I got my team registered today. If you would like to donate to my team, the Pink Ladies, the link is below :) Any donation is appreciated. Our goal for this year's relay is to raise $100,000 and I think we can definitely do it. Anyway, I stood outside the Rialto for an hour and handed out fliers with info about 1/2 price registration. Yes, I was THAT girl. Then I had supper with Katlyne-what a cutie. At 8:00 we had a committee meeting for our Fundraising committee(of which I am an executive). My picture of the day is the picture we took at our meeting. Not everyone is pictured, but most of us are there. :)
It's Campus Crusade this week for CAC. That means HALF PRICE REGISTRATION! Woohoo! I got my team registered today. If you would like to donate to my team, the Pink Ladies, the link is below :) Any donation is appreciated. Our goal for this year's relay is to raise $100,000 and I think we can definitely do it. Anyway, I stood outside the Rialto for an hour and handed out fliers with info about 1/2 price registration. Yes, I was THAT girl. Then I had supper with Katlyne-what a cutie. At 8:00 we had a committee meeting for our Fundraising committee(of which I am an executive). My picture of the day is the picture we took at our meeting. Not everyone is pictured, but most of us are there. :)
86 days til Relay. Can't wait! Here's the link and I hope everyone is having a great week! :)
Monday, January 16, 2012
January 16
No classes today because of MLK Jr. Day. Hooray! It was nice to have an extra day of the weekend. Not to mention that Zac stayed one more night and didn't leave til this morning :) He left around 10 so he could get to class. I lounged-watched the Today show, etc. Then I went to lunch with Danielle, Katlyne, Jenna, and Nathan. After lunch I cleaned my room-AGAIN. Boys are so messy. While cleaning I made my bed. I used to hold my phone charger up by my bed with sticky tac so there was a chunk of it on my wall. When I got up to make my bed this is what I found:
He's so crafty. :)
Later in the afternoon I actually did my homework-yay for me! I had supper with Rachel and then gathered with some of my fellow CAC members to distribute posters. It's Campus Crusade this week which means registration for Relay is half price. So we distributed posters to advertise that. That's my photo of the day :)
I can't wait for Relay. Seriously. It is going to be so fun and it's for such a great cause! If you don't know what the Relay for Life is, visit here:
Have a great week everyone!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
January 15
Turns out we should've gone to bed earlier last night. It was not so easy getting up this morning to be in Hudson by 8:45 for church. But alas, we made it on time. After that church, we headed back to Cedar Falls to go to St. Stephen's for catholic mass. We had a few minutes to spare so I started my car and moved it closer in the parking lot :) After church we went to Village Inn for brunch. Yum! We then went to the mall so he could look at guns-he's obsessed. We headed back to the room and watched a movie. Then we he decided he wanted chinese, but not Panda Express. So we tried China Wok. It was actually really good-and A LOT of food. He has lunch for the next week! We watched the Wedding Singer-classic-and have been lazy all day. That's what Sundays are for, right? :)
So this is my photo of the day-laaaaazy day! :)
January 14
Woops-late! Probably because Zac came to visit :) He got here around 11 on Friday night. We slept in today and then went to brunch at the Piazza with Danielle and Katlyne. We made a Walmart run after brunch to get some vitamins for myself because, well to put it frankly- I don't eat vegetables. We headed to the WRC because he wanted to shoot hoops. He ended up playing a game with a group of guys. I watched for a while and then felt worthless, so I headed upstairs and walked around the track. After the exercise we showered and headed out for supper. We decided to try something new and he wanted prime rib so we went to the Brown Bottle. Fancy! and expensive. but also delicious. He ended up ordering scallops and I ordered the prime rib. A 14 ounce prime rib to be exact. Here's a picture:
It was HUGE. But I was crazy hungry. So I ate it. This is how much I conquered by myself:
It was so good! AND for those of you that know me well-I tried Zac's scallop. I don't eat seafood but I tried it. It was alright, I probably wouldn't order it, but it didn't make me throw up :) So after I ate all that prime rib I still wanted dessert. (Duh!) So I ordered this:
It was HUGE. But I was crazy hungry. So I ate it. This is how much I conquered by myself:
It was so good! AND for those of you that know me well-I tried Zac's scallop. I don't eat seafood but I tried it. It was alright, I probably wouldn't order it, but it didn't make me throw up :) So after I ate all that prime rib I still wanted dessert. (Duh!) So I ordered this:
Red velvet cheesecake. Can you say YUM?! It was soooo good, but also very rich. Zac ordered some kind of apple cake. That was really good too. After supper we headed back to Dancer. We hung out with Danielle, Katlyne, and Katlyne's friend from high school John, who goes to Iowa State and just HAPPENS to live in the same building Zac lived in when he went to ISU. So they talked and talked and talked. It was fun though!
Friday, January 13, 2012
January 13
After that workout, we did some Pilates and yoga. Refreshing. We planned on going to the Panther Palooza tailgating that they were having. Long story short, we were too late and didn't get food. :( So we watched the basketball game while we were STARVING. The game was AWESOME though. We won! and it was intense to say the least. We headed to the 23rd Street Market and got some pizza rolls for dinner. Not feeling so hot about THAT supper but oh well. Now we're just sitting and watching Friends. Such a great day with great friends! Here's a pic from the game!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
January 12
Heavens. To. Mergatroy. It is COLD outside! When I woke up at 7:15 this morning my phone said it was 10 degrees. TEN! Plus the wind was blowing 29 mph. That equals really freakin' cold. So I put my seventeen layers on and headed to my 8 am class. Which is boring. Because it's with my Back to the Future professor. Anyway, it was a pretty normal day, aside from the ridiculous wind. Did I mention it's STILL snowing? and blowing all over the place. I got out of my second class 45 minutes early because apparently none of us got the e-mail with the assignment in it, so none of us did it. Woohoo for getting out early, except that now we all have twice as much work to do for Tuesday. Which, I should mention, I can't do until Saturday when someone from the Linder family will graciously deliver my book that I ordered online. I had it shipped home, and it didn't arrive before I came back to UNI. So THANKFUL for kind people in our town :) After class my beautiful friend Katlyne wanted to workout. So we headed to the lounge to do some Pilates. We tried the ab workout today-I'm definitely going to feel that in the morning. Then I did some yoga poses that I found on Pinterest (which I LOVE, by the way). I'm hoping that by doing a few yoga poses every day, I will increase the flexibility in my back and hopefully do away with my back pain! Wouldn't that be nice. So while doing yoga poses, my friend Danielle said, "I saw you posted that Religion video on Facebook. Have you seen his other one?" I said no. So she whips out her iPhone and pulls it up. Oh. My. Gosh. That video was SO powerful-like beyond belief how much I love this video. So that's the reason Danielle is my photo of the day. She introduced me to this video. And also because she's just such a cute girl and I love her! Here's her photo, and the link to the video. I strongly encourage you to take 5 minutes of your day and watch it! xoxo
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
January 11
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
January 10
All caught up! Now I should only have one post a day :)
So, 1st day of T-TH classes-wow! I have classes: 8-9:15, 9:30-10:45, 12:30-1:20, and 2-3:15. My first class is math and-kid you not-my professor looks like the scientist from Back to the Future. He even wears a bow tie. Scary. My second class is Religions of the World. This class is going to be a LOT of work. But it sounds interesting, so we'll give it a shot. Then I had lunch with the beautiful girls Danielle and Katlyne. (Also not that excited about coming back to the dining center food). Katlyne and I walked to class together-incredible early. Not sure why, but whatever. I headed to my French class-FAVORITE! I love, love, love all the people in my class. Most of them were in my class last semester too. My instructor, Flavia, is just so cute. She's like the grandmother everyone wish they had. (Although my grandma was 123209345810348 times better-miss you!) Anyway, she's hilarious and VERY intelligent. After French was World Geography. Can you say LOVE?! My professor is amazing. He's so funny and interesting to listen to. He's done a lot of things in his life and his perspective on different ideas is intriguing. I'm a little bit sad I only get to see him twice a week.
So after class, Rachel and I had plans to workout. Well, considering it was fifty-some degrees outside, I thought it would be more fun to go on a walk-to Scratch. It works-2 mile walk there, eat a cupcake, 2 mile walk back. It was VERY refreshing. Katlyne came with us. We talked about lots of things and "ooh"ed and "ah"ed at all the pretty/cute houses that we want to own someday. We had AMAZING cupcakes from Scratch, and then walked 2 miles home. My hips are feeling it, but they'll get used to walking again eventually. My plan was to take a picture of my cupcake as my photo of the day, but alas, I forgot. So my photo of the day is the beautiful Katlyne Schweig. She's adorable and I have SO much fun hanging out with her. :)
So, 1st day of T-TH classes-wow! I have classes: 8-9:15, 9:30-10:45, 12:30-1:20, and 2-3:15. My first class is math and-kid you not-my professor looks like the scientist from Back to the Future. He even wears a bow tie. Scary. My second class is Religions of the World. This class is going to be a LOT of work. But it sounds interesting, so we'll give it a shot. Then I had lunch with the beautiful girls Danielle and Katlyne. (Also not that excited about coming back to the dining center food). Katlyne and I walked to class together-incredible early. Not sure why, but whatever. I headed to my French class-FAVORITE! I love, love, love all the people in my class. Most of them were in my class last semester too. My instructor, Flavia, is just so cute. She's like the grandmother everyone wish they had. (Although my grandma was 123209345810348 times better-miss you!) Anyway, she's hilarious and VERY intelligent. After French was World Geography. Can you say LOVE?! My professor is amazing. He's so funny and interesting to listen to. He's done a lot of things in his life and his perspective on different ideas is intriguing. I'm a little bit sad I only get to see him twice a week.
So after class, Rachel and I had plans to workout. Well, considering it was fifty-some degrees outside, I thought it would be more fun to go on a walk-to Scratch. It works-2 mile walk there, eat a cupcake, 2 mile walk back. It was VERY refreshing. Katlyne came with us. We talked about lots of things and "ooh"ed and "ah"ed at all the pretty/cute houses that we want to own someday. We had AMAZING cupcakes from Scratch, and then walked 2 miles home. My hips are feeling it, but they'll get used to walking again eventually. My plan was to take a picture of my cupcake as my photo of the day, but alas, I forgot. So my photo of the day is the beautiful Katlyne Schweig. She's adorable and I have SO much fun hanging out with her. :)
After supper I just lounged all night. I was watching Dance Moms-that show is RIDICULOUS-but was rudely interrupted by a fire drill. Annoying! Tiff and I watched Parenthood and now I'm exhausted-probably from the 4+ miles I walked today. Can't wait to hit my bed!
January 9
Back to classes today-YIKES! First day of my 2nd semester of college-that seems so weird to say! Anyway, I don't have class until 11 on MWF and I am done by 1. Awesome! So after class I ran LOTS of errands-including going to work to talk about my schedule. Unfortunately, I'm an idiot and forgot to give them my spring semester schedule-therefore I am not on the schedule for the next 2 weeks. So i turned in my availability and will be on the schedule starting January 22. Yipee for 2 weeks off-except the no money part. :( Danielle, Ali, and I walked over to Redeker center to have supper with Rachel. I was feeling fortune-y, so I grabbed a fortune cookie. This is what it said:
In Danielle's words: "Now how can you apply that to something in your life right now?"
Not quite sure yet, Danielle, but I'm working on it. :)
After supper we headed back to Dancer to do Pilates. What a workout! My legs hurt extremely bad by the time 10:00 rolled around-from walking so much again to doing Pilates. But oh well! Gotta get in shape for dance team tryouts in a few months :)
In Danielle's words: "Now how can you apply that to something in your life right now?"
Not quite sure yet, Danielle, but I'm working on it. :)
After supper we headed back to Dancer to do Pilates. What a workout! My legs hurt extremely bad by the time 10:00 rolled around-from walking so much again to doing Pilates. But oh well! Gotta get in shape for dance team tryouts in a few months :)
January 8
Back to UNI today. I have mixed emotions about this. Not so excited about having to actually do something with my day now, but oh well. I have to be a big girl eventually so I might as well get used to it. I was also not excited about leaving Rockwell City. Spending 3 weeks getting to see my parents every day and spending time with Zac was amazing. But I guess distance makes the heart grow fonder. So I packed up and headed back. When I returned, my awesome friends were waiting for me. This part I was happy about-getting to see them again. They graciously helped me unpack my car. We then made a trip to the bookstore, and also a trip to Walmart to purchase a workout video. We're planning on working out together in the lounge this semester. (We'll see how long that lasts!) We got a pilates dvd. It's such a great workout! We did not test it out today, however. Instead, we watched Bridesmaids(one of my FAVORITE movies) in my dorm room.
Reunited and it feels so good! Katlyne on the left, Danielle in the middle, and me on the right. Please disregard the fact that Danielle and I look possessed with our red eyes. (We're not!)
January 7
So it's Saturday. Slept in-which is awesome because at school I don't get to sleep in on Saturdays much because I usually have to work. After I awoke and got ready for the day, my mom, my dad, Ralph Voith, and I headed to Humboldt. Our first stop was Pasquale's pizza-delicious! Then we headed to the VFW for a classic Twin Lakes Cribbage Association tournament. Mom and I were partners. We didn't do so great, but we definitely had fun!
After arriving home, I headed to my second home-the Pedersen household. We had haystacks that Scott made us for supper. Then we piled in the car and headed to Fort Dodge-cosmic bowling? Heck yes! Unfortunately, I'm a terrible bowler. My high for the night was 81. Yes, you read that right. 81. But oh well-we had a BLAST! This is the one good picture I took of the night-my best friend in the entire entire world-Kristen. :)
After arriving home, I headed to my second home-the Pedersen household. We had haystacks that Scott made us for supper. Then we piled in the car and headed to Fort Dodge-cosmic bowling? Heck yes! Unfortunately, I'm a terrible bowler. My high for the night was 81. Yes, you read that right. 81. But oh well-we had a BLAST! This is the one good picture I took of the night-my best friend in the entire entire world-Kristen. :)
January 6
Friday of the last week of break. Dang :( In my days of sitting at home doing nothing over break, I realized that it's probably going to be a long time before I get to see my sister Lindsay and her family again. ROADTRIP! I headed North to Alta to visit them for the evening. We didn't do anything special, but we didn't have to. Simply being with them is the best way to spend a Friday night, in my book anyway! Here's a picture of the boys and me :) Kaden is 4 years old and Connor is 9 months old.
And here's a picture of the squishiest 9 month old I've ever seen. He eats well-as you can tell.
And here's a picture of the squishiest 9 month old I've ever seen. He eats well-as you can tell.
January 5
The weather was BEAUTIFUL. So my bestie Kole and I went out for a round of golf at the good old Twin Lakes Golf Club. The game didn't go so hot, but we sure did have a great time. It was nice to catch up :)
Look at that form!
Look at that form!
January 4th
A day with Aunt Sharon. My favorite aunt EVER. We have so much fun when we're together-we gossip, we laugh, we simply enjoy each other's presence. We took a trip to Fort Dodge and while in Target we decided to try on some hats. This was her favorite ;)
January 3rd
The story behind this photo: One of my sister Shelby's good friends gave this cookie jar to Shelby and JD as a wedding gift (gag gift). Before Shelby and JD left our house the weekend of the wedding, they hid the cookie jar under the sink of the bathroom. My mom found it a few days later. One weekend, Shelby came home. While helping her load up her car to head back to Omaha, my mom snuck the cookie jar(in a box) in the backseat of her car. She found it later. The cookie jar was then used as a Christmas gift to my mom. While my sisters were home for Christmas, they stole it and hid it in a linen closet of which my mom could not reach. My mom, however, caught them. So THIS is where they hid it instead-my closet. I did not find it until a few days later-when I was home ALONE. It's truly upsetting. Don't stare at it for too long.
January 2nd
Today's picture is of the pumpkin pie I made. Don't be misled. I don't bake often. But Zac thought a pumpkin pie sounded good, so I whipped one up while we played games. I love board games-so does he. :) Notice, though, that the crust is a bit crumbly. This was NOT my fault-my mom took it out of the oven and SHE crumbled the crust. Just to clarify!
January 1st
January 1st. This is a picture of the best guy in my life. This is my daddy. He's crazy, but ya gotta love him! He's big, he's bad, he's my big bad dad. :) Love you papa!
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