My amazing family.

My amazing family.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 27

Well, I'm really lucky. For my religions class, we don't take tests. Instead, she gives us information to write essays and we have to turn them in by 5pm. On the day our essays are due, we don't have class because she has open office hours. Soooo of course, I don't ever work ahead. I'm lucky because my 12:30 class got cancelled, too. So after I went to my 8:00 and showered, I wrote my essays. I took a break for lunch and then started back up again. Surprisingly, I got them all done before my 2:00 class. Go me! I was pretty impressed with myself.

One would think that if we have a large number of people eating lunch together, we would choose a larger table. Of course not. I had lunch with Katlyne, Danielle, Morgan, Jen, and Danielle's friend AB. We chose a small table and all crammed around it. This is what the table looked like.....

Note to self: Get bigger table. 

Since I finished all my homework, I was in a particularly good mood, and ridiculously hyper. Jen, Morgan, Katlyne, and I played Clue. When Jen went to class, Tiffany joined us and we played Phase 10. (If you know me well enough, you know that I was REALLY EXCITED about this, because I love playing games.) We ate supper and then I went to St. Stephen's for choir practice. I was not there very long because I had a committee meeting to go to for CAC. When I returned from the meeting, Katlyne and I went to play tennis (because I was annoying her with my insane amount of energy, so she wanted me to burn it off.) It worked, because I was ready for bed by the time we got back. Successful day! 

Oh, here's a photo of my cute little trumpet playing friend, Rob. :) 

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