My amazing family.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Day 30-Relay Fam!!
I cannot even express in words how thankful I am that I got involved in Colleges Against Cancer/Relay For Life here at UNI. I have made so many good friends and I cherish every one of the people involved in our organization because we are all fighting for such an amazing cause!
Day 29-Pedersens
The Pedersen family is literally my second family. Some summers I spent more time in their house than I did my own. They even get upset if I'm home for the weekend and don't stop to see them... I'm not sure what I would do without them!
Day 28-Circle K
This year I joined an organization at UNI called Circle K. Circle K is a volunteer group that is the college branch of Kiwanis. I have met so many friends from this organization and I love it! Here's a picture of a few of us that did Waterloo Jaycee's Gift of Giving program last weekend:
Day 27-DJ
Today I am thankful for DJ. We were both super involved in choir and band stuff in high school, so we ended up spending a bunch of time together. We've both matured and become pretty good friends :)
Day 26-Mollie
Today I am thankful for Mollie. She and I really became friends through swim team a few years ago, and then we coached the team together and our friendship flourished! She is such a strong beautiful girl, and I can't wait to see where life takes her!
Day 25-Danielle
Today I am thankful for Danielle. Besides Rachel, she's the first person I met on my floor last year. We met around homecoming and the rest is history! We now live across the hall from each other and I can always count on her to keep things classy.
Day 24- St. Francis family
Today I am thankful for the support system I have at my hometown parish-St. Francis in Rockwell City. They are always so happy to see me and I love going home to see them as well! I also LOVE singing in the choir for Christmas and Easter (because I LOVE to sing!)
Day 23-Kaden and Connor
I am so thankful for these two beautiful boys that my sister and brother-in-law created. They can brighten my day without even trying. :)
Day 22-life
Thanksgiving break was amazing. I got to spend so much time with my family and it was absolutely the best thing ever.
So today I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on the table, and the ability to be with my family on the glorious day that the Lord has made!
Thanksgiving break was amazing. I got to spend so much time with my family and it was absolutely the best thing ever.
So today I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on the table, and the ability to be with my family on the glorious day that the Lord has made!
Day 21-Employment
Today I am thankful for all the jobs I have had and currently have. I work with a lot of amazing people and I love every job!
Day 20-St. Stephen's family
Today I am thankful for the amazing people at St. Stephen's! I have met so many friends there and I love spending my time there because there's always someone to talk to :)
Day 19-Abby
Today I am thankful for Abby. She and I became best friends in first grade and we have been ever since! We live in the same town and hardly ever see each other, but whenever we get together it's like nothing changed. She's such a strong, beautiful woman and I am so proud of the lady she's become!
Day 18- Aunt Sharon
Where do I even begin? My Aunt Sharon really is one of my very best friends in the whole world. We don't get to spend as much time together as we probably need, but we definitely cherish every moment we do get! She always listens and never judges, and we can talk about anything and everything. I love her so much!
Day 17-Marissa
Today I'm thankful for Marissa. We became friends through choir in high school. She's loud, obnoxious, and crazy-and that's why I love her. Here's a little flashback to our Christmas party last year:
Day 16-French family
Today I am thankful for the friends I've made from getting involved in UNI's French program. I absolutely love seeing these people everyday and a few of them will be my friends for a while I hope!
Day 15- Rachel
Today I am thankful for my roommate Rachel. We met last year in Dancer when she lived next to me for a semester. We realized that we both like Frank Sinatra, and we've been friends ever since :) I'm so glad to have a roommate that's also one of my good friends. There are times when we don't get as much sleep as we should because we stay up late chatting about life, but it's so worth it.
Day 14: Anatevka House
Today I am thankful for all the ladies that live in my residence house-Anatevka. I've made so many friends and I'm so glad I decided to move to Campbell this year. The social-ness of the whole place is amazing (and we all know that I love to be social)
Day 13: Eddie
Ever since I met Kevin (Shelby's best friend from high school, who is gay) and I saw the amazing friendship that they have, I've wanted a gay best friend. I'm not even joking. Well, ask and ye shall receive because Eddie has become one of my best friends (and yes, he's gay-if you didn't pick up on that.) He knows how to make me smile even when I'm having a terrible day. He's also really good at telling me how it is, or if my outfit doesn't look okay. I love it. We met last year and it's flourished into something awesome :)
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Day 12: Martin
Oh where do I begin with him? We spent so much time together through choir in high school and we sort of became a package deal when it came to singing. We share a special bond that can't really be explained. He's one of my best friends (I know I say that a lot..) and I wish we could spend more time together than we do!
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Here's a photo of us after I went to see him perform at his holiday concert. So proud of him! |
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Day 11: Shelby and JD
Oh Shelby and JD. Probably the two weirdest people I've ever met. and that's why I love them. They can instantly put a smile on my face, but they're also both really good at telling me when I'm being an idiot. They're so in love and it's so beautiful to see. I don't know what I would do without them!
Day 10: Lucas and Liz
Where do I begin? These two are amazing. We met last year at St. Stephen's where we started a band with Rob and Chloe. They give the BEST hugs ever and are always there for me when I need them. Love them so much!!
Day 9: CAB
This year I became involved in the Campus Activities Board, or CAB. I was on the Homecoming committee (and have applied to be the chair of that committee for next year). I have met so many amazing people through this organization and I'm so thankful that UNI gives me the opportunity to be involved in so many great organizations!
Here's a few of us Cabbies with TC at the Homecoming festival.
Here's a few of us Cabbies with TC at the Homecoming festival.
Day 8: Tate
Day 8 I am thankful for Tate. Our friendship started through CCD and grew more and more as the years (and Habitat trips) continued. I can tell him just about everything, and vice versa. We have lots of good memories. I am very proud of the man he's becoming and I hope our friendship continues for a long time!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Day 7: Emily
Day 7 I am thankful for Emily.
I met Emily first semester of my freshman year here at UNI, as we were in the same French class. We just recently (like, in the past month) discovered how much we love each other though!!
Oh goodness, Emily. We always joke that we lead the same life, but it's becoming more and more true everyday. We continue to find things we have in common. I could spend all day, every day with her and never get sick of her. Seriously! We never run out of things to talk about. I cherish every single moment I get to spend with her because she can always make me laugh and I can be 100% myself around her (because we're basically the same person). You could even say we're two peas in a pod. :) Love you Em!
I met Emily first semester of my freshman year here at UNI, as we were in the same French class. We just recently (like, in the past month) discovered how much we love each other though!!
Oh goodness, Emily. We always joke that we lead the same life, but it's becoming more and more true everyday. We continue to find things we have in common. I could spend all day, every day with her and never get sick of her. Seriously! We never run out of things to talk about. I cherish every single moment I get to spend with her because she can always make me laugh and I can be 100% myself around her (because we're basically the same person). You could even say we're two peas in a pod. :) Love you Em!
Day 6: Rob
Day 6 I am thankful for Rob. Where do I even begin?
Rob and I met through the catholic student center here on campus last fall. We were both in the church choir. He then had an idea to start a Praise and Worship band and asked me if I would be interested. I said yes, and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Ever. Rob is now not only my best friend, but like a big brother that I never had. I can (and do) tell him everything and I know that he will never judge me and will always tell it like it is. He is currently teaching music at an American school in Mexico City and has a 2 year contract. He will be home for Christmas break, though, and I cannot WAIT until our reunion. I keep telling him he's going to get the best hug he's ever received. Love him so much!!
Rob and I met through the catholic student center here on campus last fall. We were both in the church choir. He then had an idea to start a Praise and Worship band and asked me if I would be interested. I said yes, and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Ever. Rob is now not only my best friend, but like a big brother that I never had. I can (and do) tell him everything and I know that he will never judge me and will always tell it like it is. He is currently teaching music at an American school in Mexico City and has a 2 year contract. He will be home for Christmas break, though, and I cannot WAIT until our reunion. I keep telling him he's going to get the best hug he's ever received. Love him so much!!
(I realize that this is a terrible picture of me but it's the only one we have with just the two of us!)
Day 5: Lindsay and Chris
Day 5 I am thankful for my big sister Lindsay (and her husband Chris).
Because she's 11 years older than me, we've never been the closest. We do love each other, though. I love to travel up in the summer and spend a whole day with her and the boys. Most times I can send her a random text and she will know exactly what I'm talking about. She is an amazing mother of 2 beautiful boys and a girl on the way. I am so proud of everything she's done and I'm glad that we're growing closer as we grow older. Love you Linds!!
Because she's 11 years older than me, we've never been the closest. We do love each other, though. I love to travel up in the summer and spend a whole day with her and the boys. Most times I can send her a random text and she will know exactly what I'm talking about. She is an amazing mother of 2 beautiful boys and a girl on the way. I am so proud of everything she's done and I'm glad that we're growing closer as we grow older. Love you Linds!!
Day 4: Katlyne
Day 4 I am thankful for Katlyne. Here's the story:
Katlyne and I lived on the same floor in Dancer last year. Beings that I had a boyfriend on campus at the time and didn't have much interest in anything else but him, I didn't meet a whole lot of girls from my floor. When that ended in October, I realized that I hadn't made many friends on my floor! Katlyne's roommate Danielle invited me to "Christmas Movie Extravaganza" (something I must explain in a later post). I tagged along with them to the event, and we have been friends ever since. Katlyne and I are sometimes so much alike it's scary. We often think we have the same brain waves because we'll say or do the same thing at the same time. I am so glad that she came into my life because now I have added a new best friend to my list.
Katlyne and I lived on the same floor in Dancer last year. Beings that I had a boyfriend on campus at the time and didn't have much interest in anything else but him, I didn't meet a whole lot of girls from my floor. When that ended in October, I realized that I hadn't made many friends on my floor! Katlyne's roommate Danielle invited me to "Christmas Movie Extravaganza" (something I must explain in a later post). I tagged along with them to the event, and we have been friends ever since. Katlyne and I are sometimes so much alike it's scary. We often think we have the same brain waves because we'll say or do the same thing at the same time. I am so glad that she came into my life because now I have added a new best friend to my list.
One of my favorite pictures of us!
Day 3: Kristen
Day 3 I am thankful for Kristen Pedersen, my lifelong best friend. Here's the story of how we became friends:
We lived a house away from each other and, since my sisters were so much older than me, I never really had anyone to play with at home. Kristen and I have been friends since I was old enough to waddle over to the Pedersen household. We've been through so much together, and there's not many people that know me better than she does! We tell each other everything and we will be best friends forever, no doubt. I love her and can't imagine what my life would be like today without her!
We lived a house away from each other and, since my sisters were so much older than me, I never really had anyone to play with at home. Kristen and I have been friends since I was old enough to waddle over to the Pedersen household. We've been through so much together, and there's not many people that know me better than she does! We tell each other everything and we will be best friends forever, no doubt. I love her and can't imagine what my life would be like today without her!
Day 1: Everything
I am truly blessed in my life and I can never thank God enough for that. But for day 1 I am going to say that I am thankful for my entire life, including all the people and the things that happen. Whether events are good or bad, everything happens for a reason and it all influences this life of mine. I'm just taking things one day at a time, all while reminding myself that God has his own plan for me and I need to let his plan happen instead of trying to make my own plan!
Day 2: Mom and Dad
So, my parents are pretty much amazing.
Seriously, though. They have been married for 35 years this year. And they're high school sweethearts. How amazing is that?! I can only hope to have a marriage as genuine and beautiful as they do. They love me unconditionally and I know that they will always be there for me, no matter what happens. I absolutely cannot imagine my life without them. I love them so much! Here's a photo of them from the anniversary party we celebrated in September.
Seriously, though. They have been married for 35 years this year. And they're high school sweethearts. How amazing is that?! I can only hope to have a marriage as genuine and beautiful as they do. They love me unconditionally and I know that they will always be there for me, no matter what happens. I absolutely cannot imagine my life without them. I love them so much! Here's a photo of them from the anniversary party we celebrated in September.
Hi all!
It has been a while since I've blogged....probably because my life is crazy. But I wouldn't want it any other way!
My days are full from beginning to end with classes, student organizations, and just living!
The only bad part about this is that I miss my family a whole lot! Kaden and Connor are growing like weeds and, SURPRISE! Lindsay's pregnant again. And the best part? IT'S A GIRL! I can't even explain in words how excited I am about this. I love K & C to death, but I'm unbelievably excited to buy some little girl clothes :)
Beings that it's the month of Thanksgiving, I've decided to do "30 Days of Thanks." Obviously I am thankful for how blessed I am and all the things in my life every day, but I wanted to recognize a few people and groups of people. I've learned (in the whole 19 years that I've been on this Earth) that you have to tell people how you feel because you never know what's going to happen. This is my way of letting everyone know how much I really appreciate these people! So here it goes :)
It has been a while since I've blogged....probably because my life is crazy. But I wouldn't want it any other way!
My days are full from beginning to end with classes, student organizations, and just living!
The only bad part about this is that I miss my family a whole lot! Kaden and Connor are growing like weeds and, SURPRISE! Lindsay's pregnant again. And the best part? IT'S A GIRL! I can't even explain in words how excited I am about this. I love K & C to death, but I'm unbelievably excited to buy some little girl clothes :)
Beings that it's the month of Thanksgiving, I've decided to do "30 Days of Thanks." Obviously I am thankful for how blessed I am and all the things in my life every day, but I wanted to recognize a few people and groups of people. I've learned (in the whole 19 years that I've been on this Earth) that you have to tell people how you feel because you never know what's going to happen. This is my way of letting everyone know how much I really appreciate these people! So here it goes :)
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Saturday was our first home Panther football game. Man I love football. It was also the day of the Iowa/Iowa State game. Now, I'm a Hawkeye fan all the way, but no one deserved to win THAT game. It was ugly. I stopped watching because it was time to go to some PANTHER FOOTBALL! Katlyne and I left at halftime because we were bored. The end result was 59-0, with our Panthers winning over Central State. Some photos from the day:
Gaelen, Katlyne, me, Michael, Luke
Thursday, September 6, 2012
With the busy summer my whole fam had and the fact that we haven't taken a vacation in a really long time, we decided to head to Colorado for Labor Day Weekend. We have some cousins out there that are getting "up there" in age and we hadn't seen them in a while. I headed back to RC Thursday night and we left early Friday morning. We made a pit stop in Omaha to pick up Shelby and JD. It was quite a leisurely drive and it seemed like it took us FOREVER to get there. We eventually made it and had a great couple days together. Here are some photos:
Dude knows how to travel.
My daddy :)
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Happy Birthday, Katlyne!
Katlyne's birthday was one week after mine. Saturday (August 25) a bunch of us went to HuHot for supper because Katlyne loves HuHot and didn't get it all summer. The evening was complete with decorations.
This is Brandon. He's our special friend.
The whole group after stuffing our faces with delicious food.
The girls! Me, Danielle, Jenna, Katlyne
After supper we ventured to Four Queens for some delicious dessert. Again, Brandon is our special friend.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Happy Birthday to Meeeeee
Sunday was my birthday. Zac came up Saturday to spend the weekend with me for my birthday. Saturday night we took a big group of us to Olive Garden to celebrate.
Back to School
Welp, back to school. Ma and Pa moved me in last Thursday. Fourth floor, no elevator. Thank goodness for the move-in crew. We got everything moved in and then went to lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. Mom and dad headed out early and I worked on getting things settled in. My roommate Rachel moved in Friday and we slowly but surely got our things in the right place. Our room is pretty home-y, and our floor is SO SOCIAL. Seriously, everyone likes to talk. I love it! Compared to our floor last year, it's a breath of fresh air.
Friday night we attended the hypnotist that CAB hosted. I got hypnotized the first show, and watched the second show. Katlyne and I were reunited, so we had to take a picture :)
After all the weekend fun, classes started Monday. I have a pretty decent schedule (nothing before 9:30am) and I have a job on campus that the wonderful Cassie Fjerstad hooked me up with. Life is good. The only thing that would make it better is FOOTBALL (which is SOON, SOON, SOON!)
SUMMER (in a nutshell)
I worked four jobs: Twin Lakes Grocery and Grill, Lynch's Bar and Grill, Rockwell City Pool, and I was a co-coach for the Rockwell City Area Swim Team. Let me tell you, it was a busy summer. I worked so hard because I'm saving money to go to France with my best friend Mollie next summer.
Although I worked four jobs, I still found a little time to have fun. I spent a lot of time with this boy:
I also spent as much time as I could with my family, including the two cutest boys in the world!
I worked at TLGG with some awesome girls like this:
At a place like this:
I coached a team full of energetic, crazy swim team kids like this:

With two of my best friends:
I worked at the pool with a bunch of goons like this:
Doing weird stuff like this:
I went to a few family weddings. One was my cousin Brad and his new wife Megan's. I went to that one by myself, but I saw lots of family there that I haven't seen for a while.
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My great Aunt Zeta |
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My cousin Danielle |
The second family wedding was my cousin Joe's (my Aunt Sharon's son) and his new wife Steph. It was such a fun wedding! My whole fam (sisters, etc.) were home for the wedding. A few photos:
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Connor and I at the wedding. Nice photobomb, Shelby. |
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My sis and me :) |
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Aunt Sharon :) |
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My sisters and me with Aunt Sharon. |
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That boy of mine :) |
Although it was a busy one, it was also a great one. Hopefully next summer I can cut down to 3 jobs ;)
Aunt Sharon,
swim team,
Twin Lakes,
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