Sunday, Sunday. It went like this: church, eat, nap, eat, CAC meeting, eat, bed. Not joking. I did get a few thank you notes written, and a start on one of my papers. But otherwise, worthless. It's becoming a trend......
In the meantime, here's my friend Danielle.
My amazing family.

Sunday, April 29, 2012
April 28
Well due to the fact that I didn't go to bed until well after 3:30am, I slept in until 11ish. (For the record, the RA on call washed me sheets for me, and I slept on Katlyne and Danielle's futon.) It was another really great day of getting nothing done. Sweet. Just what I needed.
Joyce and I did travel down to Main street to watch UNI's Orchesis dance show because Courtney dances in it. After the show we went to Cup of Joe and then wandered Main for a while. It was lots of fun! I took a nap later and then met Lucas and Rob at Applebee's for some grub. (Liz had to work until 10). We picked Liz up after work and headed to Rob's apartment to hang out. We ended up staying up entirely too late just chatting about life. I hate myself for it today (because I got about 4 hours of sleep), but it was TOTALLY worth it.
Joyce and I did travel down to Main street to watch UNI's Orchesis dance show because Courtney dances in it. After the show we went to Cup of Joe and then wandered Main for a while. It was lots of fun! I took a nap later and then met Lucas and Rob at Applebee's for some grub. (Liz had to work until 10). We picked Liz up after work and headed to Rob's apartment to hang out. We ended up staying up entirely too late just chatting about life. I hate myself for it today (because I got about 4 hours of sleep), but it was TOTALLY worth it.
I decided to go old school with a glass bottle of coke from Cup of Joe.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
This is a story I will tell my children (and probably grandchildren) someday.
I came home from the dance party around 1:30. I walked in my room, only to meet my roommate at the door. She said, "I just went to the bathroom and I came back and there's someone in your bed." Naturally, I thought it was a friend who was playing a joke on me. 'Twas not. I looked and sure enough, there was someone in my bed. You read that right. Some drunk ass girl decided that my room was her room for the night. Seriously. She came in the room, took her pants off, put MY BATH ROBE on, and climbed into my bed. So I got Joyce to come coax her out of bed (which took about 10 minutes.) When she sat up, there was blood on her face (and also on my pillow and comforter).We Joyce helped her out of bed (literally lifted her down) with help from her friend Bonnie. Joyce took her to the lounge while Bonnie called the RA on call. Ashley(RA on call) called the police. When they showed up they talked to her for about 10 minutes. The only information they got out of her was that her name was Mariah and that she was born in 1982 in Noehren Hall (a residence hall here on campus). She was not born in 82 because she couldn't have been more than 19 years old. She didn't have any ID on her. I did find her clothes in my room, however. The police had to take her into custody because she couldn't tell them where she actually lived.
"Mariah" stopped by my room today (I wasn't home.) She left a note on my marker board saying, "please call this number. I'm looking for information about where my purse/phone is."
Best of luck to her in finding her possessions.
I came home from the dance party around 1:30. I walked in my room, only to meet my roommate at the door. She said, "I just went to the bathroom and I came back and there's someone in your bed." Naturally, I thought it was a friend who was playing a joke on me. 'Twas not. I looked and sure enough, there was someone in my bed. You read that right. Some drunk ass girl decided that my room was her room for the night. Seriously. She came in the room, took her pants off, put MY BATH ROBE on, and climbed into my bed. So I got Joyce to come coax her out of bed (which took about 10 minutes.) When she sat up, there was blood on her face (and also on my pillow and comforter).
"Mariah" stopped by my room today (I wasn't home.) She left a note on my marker board saying, "please call this number. I'm looking for information about where my purse/phone is."
Best of luck to her in finding her possessions.
April 27
Last day of classes!!!! Woot woot! Now just one test, 4 papers, 2 work shifts, and a lifeguard certification class separate me from SUMMER!!! SO. EXCITED. (if you couldn't tell.)
Katlyne and I went to a big dance party. It was so much fun!!
Katlyne and I went to a big dance party. It was so much fun!!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
April 26
I did a really good job of doing nothing today. BUT, highlight of my day-I went to Scratch with Lindsey to celebrate the fact that I got VP for CAC next year. :)
Look how adorable she is!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
April 25
Busy day! The highlight, though, was cantoring at Prime Time Mass with Rob!
It was supposed to be the whole band but those silly music majors had to perform Mozart's Requiem tonight. Oh well! We had fun :)
April 24
Tuesday night, Lucas and I traveled to Waterloo West high school to attend the 5th Grade Band Festival. Why? Good question. Just kidding! We went because Rob was one of the directors for it. He was so excited that we went to watch! The concert only lasted about 40 minutes, so Lucas and I decided that 4 Queens was a good idea. :) So we went to get ice cream, and it was amazing!
April 23
Sooooo...nothing else about this day mattered. Why? Because I GOT VICE PRESIDENT OF CAC! Yep, I am co-vp for next year. SO. EXCITED. :)
My picture is of me the best hug ever. What a cutie. :)
My picture is of me the best hug ever. What a cutie. :)
April 22
The visit home was short-lived, as I had to be back in Cedar Falls Sunday afternoon for work. After church we had omelets at the museum courtesy of the Lions club. Sandra and Kate sat with us... look how cute she is!! :)
After work I met Rob at the church to practice for cantering Wednesday night. Then I had to accompany at the 9pm mass.
April 21
Oh, prom. That was the reason I went home this weekend. Because my best friends (Kristen, Mollie, and Marissa) were going to prom. They all looked beautiful!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
April 20
Busy day. I was kinda all over the place! I didn't have class at 11, so I spent the whole morning packing some stuff up to head home. I went to lunch with Jen and Tiffany, went to class, and then was on the road again. (sung in an Eddie Murphy voice). I had a small heart attack when I had to fill my car up with gas. I had to stop in Fort Dodge to get something at Walmart (I seriously hate that place so much...), so naturally I had to make a stop at Tropical Smoothie Cafe. :) I made a pit stop out at the little store to play a game of cribbage with Berton and Linda and to talk to Linda about work this summer! I came back to town and spent some time in Trash to Treasures with Aunt Sharon and Diane. and THEN I sat up at Lynch's with my daddy for a while. I also stopped at the Pedersen household, although I only got to see 2 of the 4 members of the family. I finally made it to my house and unloaded alllll the crap from my car. I went back up to Lynch's with my parents to have supper, and then to Fort Dodge with Zac, Lance, and Haley to see American Reunion. (It was good. I probably would've found it funnier had I seen any of the American Pie movies....) Overall it was a successful day! I took my picture of the day up on the square of RC. They're tearing down an old building and it's kind of a sad sight. I can't share it though because my computer is being silly.....
Friday, April 20, 2012
April 19
After class I was actually productive (surprising, right?) I went to Ranee's (from St. Stephen's) senior clarinet recital. I was then planning on going to watch Liz in the symphonic band concert, but instead!!! I got a call earlier that afternoon from my second daddy(Scott) saying he was coming through town around 7:30 and wanted to know if I wanted to grab supper. Well, OBVIOUSLY! So we went to Old Chicago while Rob, Lucas, and Alyssa watched Liz's concert. After the concert they came to Old Chicago, too! Scott left to get a hotel room instead of driving the rest of the way home, and I stayed at Old Chicago with the gang. We always have so much fun! And we didn't fail that tonight, either. :)
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The gang at Ranee's recital. |
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Awww :) |
April 18
I worked again today, and then went to Joyce's senior piano recital! She was also very, very good. After the recital Katlyne and I went to the Men's Glee Club spring concert. Very, very entertaining. Here's Katlyne and Brandon. Aren't they cute?! :)
April 16
I worked, and then went to Will's (Joyce's boyfriend) senior piano recital. It was sooooo good!
We had a wrap-up meeting for Relay tonight. Our last exec meeting with our seniors/people leaving us. :( It was sad, but also fun! We had pizza courtesy of Kelly at Doughey Joey's. Here's a pic of all the execs:
We had a wrap-up meeting for Relay tonight. Our last exec meeting with our seniors/people leaving us. :( It was sad, but also fun! We had pizza courtesy of Kelly at Doughey Joey's. Here's a pic of all the execs:
April 15
I was still recovering from Relay by the time Sunday rolled around. I went to church and then had brunch with Cristy and Katlyne. I then got some things accomplished (but not much). I was supposed to work, but I didn't. I called in and said I had a church conflict(which I really did!) Praise and Worship band had a little concert at the church around 6:30. After our performance, Rob bought me Panchero's. (It was my first time there.) What a nice guy! Then Zac came to visit! My photo is of the band :)
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Best night EVER. Seriously. I dedicated each hour to someone I know personally that has had cancer. Here they are:
6-7pm: My family. Grandma Dorothy, Grandpa Lester, Grandma Esther, Aunt Zeta, Uncle Leonard, Uncle Gene, Uncle Roger, Uncle Earl, Uncle Marvin, Uncle Vernon, Uncle Ron, Aunt Jan, and cousin Veronica.
6-7pm: My family. Grandma Dorothy, Grandpa Lester, Grandma Esther, Aunt Zeta, Uncle Leonard, Uncle Gene, Uncle Roger, Uncle Earl, Uncle Marvin, Uncle Vernon, Uncle Ron, Aunt Jan, and cousin Veronica.
7-8pm: Bill Wingender. My brother-in-law Chris's grandpa. He is currently battling lung cancer.
8-9pm: Terry Daisy. He is my best friend (Mollie)'s grandpa still in his battle against cancer.
9-10pm: Mike Brennan and Deb Brennan. Two members of my hometown community. I've known these people since I was young and in swim team with their daughter, Kenzie. Mike lost his battle to lung cancer about 6 years ago and Deb is currently battling colon cancer.
10-11pm: Bill Collins. His grandson, Christopher was in my high school graduating class and also went to church with me.
11pm-12am: Members of my community who have battled breast cancer: Chris Sedlacek, Jill Dawson, Sara Staver, Jean Prescott, and Jane McCurdy.
12-1am: Jacy McAlexander. Jacy is a young boy from my hometown community who courageously battled cancer and beat it!
1-2am: Don Wintz: Mr. Wintz was my middle school math teacher who battled cancer for 17 years.
2-3am: Ralph and Karen Kraft: Ralph was a co-worker of my dad's who recently lost his battle with cancer. His wife, Karen, won her battle against breast cancer.
3-4am: Gayle Johnson: Gayle is like a second mother to me. We go to church together and sing in the choir for Christmas and Easter.
4-5am: Deb Brown: Deb is my brother-in-law's mother (or my sister's mother-in-law). She always graciously welcomes us to her house on the lake in Okoboji. She's also a pretty great Nana to my nephews, Kaden and Connor.
5-6am: The final hour was for Pat Minnick. I can't really explain to anyone the relationship I had with Pat, but I can say that he inspired me a great deal. He had the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met, and it was a tragic day in the town of Rockwell City when he lost his battle with cancer.
Those 12 hours were AMAZING. There was so much emotion and passion in the McLeod center that I couldn't even fathom it. I cried at the Survivors' lap because I remember the many times I pushed my grandmother in her wheelchair at the Relay For Life of Calhoun County for the survivors' lap. I miss my grandma SO MUCH. She is the reason I am so passionate about Relay. <3
Overall we raised $102,513.41. We had over 1,000 participants. We had 104 teams.
We reached all of our goals, and got so much more than that out of the night. I can't wait until next year!
Everyone on the committees took a picture before the event started:
And some other pictures from the night :)
Fundraising Committee! |
Brady and Emily (co-presidents) and Amanda (Vice President) |
Luminaria <3 |
Team Picture! Pink Ladies :) |
Some mustache fun :) |
Brady! The MC. (and also my future husband) Kidding! :) (long story) |
:) |
WAHOO!!!! |
Emily's victory dance :) |
A little post-Relay grub at J's Homestlye Cookin' :) |
April 13
RELAY!!!! Oh my gosh this was the best day of my life. I headed over to the McLeod around 2 (after I went to class and packed all my crap up). Some of the execs had been there since 10am. Set up went very smoothly and we were ready to roll on time! I'm going to do a separate post for my Relay photos. :)
April 12
CLOSER TO RELAY!! Woot woot! Katlyne and I spent our evening in the lounge baking cookies to sell at Relay (as a fundraising exec, I had to bake some for the food stand). She did some homework and I made our team poster/did some other Relay stuff. Joyce joined us later for a little while. Successful night :)
April 11
Photo of the day: We went to a social interaction thing because we applied for SAA(Student Admissions Ambassadors). Unfortunately we didn't even get an interview :( Oh well! We took a pic of the members of CAC that were present :)
April 10
Truthfully, I don't even remember a whole lot about last week because it's all just a blur. So I'll just grace you all with the photo of the day :)
Katlyne, Tiffany, and I went to Scratch bakery and I started the Scratch cupcake tour! So exciting. You get a stamp every time you try a new flavor. Once you try all the flavors, you get a free t-shirt and (I think) your name on the wall! I shall complete this before I graduate UNI.
So sorry!
Ok, blog followers. I am so sorry that I'm so behind! Relay week was CRAZY and then I just never got caught up. I'm working on it :)
Monday, April 9, 2012
April 9
And so it begins. Relay week. WAHOOO!!!
I did manage to get a workout in today. I also went to my classes (hooray!). Not that that's ever a problem :)
I worked this afternoon, and we were short-staffed. Which was a little annoying. But what can you do?
After work I had supper with Katlyne. I planned to be productive (and I really should have been), but, alas, I was not. Oh well.
We had our last CAC meeting before Relay tonight. Scary!! It was just under 2 hours long. And surprisingly I'm not that tired. We'll see if I feel the same way in the morning....
On the plus side, we surpassed our team goal today :)
I did manage to get a workout in today. I also went to my classes (hooray!). Not that that's ever a problem :)
I worked this afternoon, and we were short-staffed. Which was a little annoying. But what can you do?
After work I had supper with Katlyne. I planned to be productive (and I really should have been), but, alas, I was not. Oh well.
We had our last CAC meeting before Relay tonight. Scary!! It was just under 2 hours long. And surprisingly I'm not that tired. We'll see if I feel the same way in the morning....
On the plus side, we surpassed our team goal today :)
Happy Easter!
Easter this year was so weird because I wasn't with my biological family. No worries though, I spent it with my St. Stephen's family. :)
I played at Hudson and then high-tailed it out of there to get to St. Stephens. Liz and I cantored:
After church, Ann invited me to her house for Easter dinner. Some of her family was there and quite a few St. Stephen's kids were there, too. It was a blast. Her niece and nephew had an Easter egg hunt, and then they hid the eggs for us big kids. :) The food was delicious and the company was great! Here's Michelle; she blended in with Ann's couch.
I spent the rest of the night watching Cars (again) and doing Relay stuff. It's crunch time, and I probably won't sleep much this week. Apology in advance if I get behind on blogging!!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
April 7
My day was pretty boring. I worked 9-5, had Panda Express for lunch, and ran to Hobby Lobby after work. I did some homework and then did this:
Hooray Relay!!! :)
Friday, April 6, 2012
April 6
Woohoo. Another Friday.
I had a pretty blocked out schedule today. Workout, lunch, French test, work, church. After church I had soup and helped them do the spring cleaning for a little while. Then I made a Walmart run. Funny how you can spend money without even realizing it..ugh.
Right now I'm watching Enchanted. on my futon. by myself. Because all of my friends went home for the weekend. Boo. :( I was so jealous of everyone going home.
On my Walmart trip, I made a little purchase to indulge in on Sunday. :)
I had a pretty blocked out schedule today. Workout, lunch, French test, work, church. After church I had soup and helped them do the spring cleaning for a little while. Then I made a Walmart run. Funny how you can spend money without even realizing it..ugh.
Right now I'm watching Enchanted. on my futon. by myself. Because all of my friends went home for the weekend. Boo. :( I was so jealous of everyone going home.
On my Walmart trip, I made a little purchase to indulge in on Sunday. :)
Also. My French professor told me today that my outfit looked very European and that I could go to Paris dressed like that. Oh my GOSH I would LOVE to go back to Paris. Maybe someday....
Thursday, April 5, 2012
April 5
Oofta. Long day.
Started out with a math test at 8. It went decently well. And I did better on it than I did on previous tests so....that happened.
I had a Geography test at 2 that I didn't really study for....oops. I think it went alright.
But nowadays I don't even care what happens the rest of my day because all I think about is RELAY RELAY RELAY!!
Here's the thing. I PASSED MY GOAL TODAY. I set a goal of $400 a few days ago and today I PASSED IT. It almost makes me want to cry when I see how generous people are. Seriously. I know some of the coolest people ever. I have now raised $450 just online. And I know of other donations that have been mailed to the office. UHH-MAZING.
Started out with a math test at 8. It went decently well. And I did better on it than I did on previous tests so....that happened.
I had a Geography test at 2 that I didn't really study for....oops. I think it went alright.
But nowadays I don't even care what happens the rest of my day because all I think about is RELAY RELAY RELAY!!
Here's the thing. I PASSED MY GOAL TODAY. I set a goal of $400 a few days ago and today I PASSED IT. It almost makes me want to cry when I see how generous people are. Seriously. I know some of the coolest people ever. I have now raised $450 just online. And I know of other donations that have been mailed to the office. UHH-MAZING.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
April 4
Ok, it's April 4 and I still can't believe it's April already. Exactly one month from today, I will be done with my first year of college. YIKES! I don't want to grow up. Just kidding. :)
I woke up with the intention of being productive but, well, that didn't happen. I went to the bookstore before my 11:00 class to mail out the survivor letters. Wahoo! Can't wait for people to receive them. Then I went to my Oral Comm teacher's office (from last semester) and she gave me $5 for Relay. We're getting closer to our goal :)
After class I had lunch and then went to work. My shift seemed to go by pretty fast and then I shopped! They have associate shopping days today through Saturday which means we get 35% off instead of 15%. Plus I had a 20% off coupon. Plus I had $10 Kohl's cash. So I bought a new pair of tennis shoes and paid $27 for them :) I then went to Hudson for choir practice and came back to campus to study. 2 tests tomorrow :( BUT on the bright side, I actually understand what I am being tested over in Math so that's a plus. :)
I woke up with the intention of being productive but, well, that didn't happen. I went to the bookstore before my 11:00 class to mail out the survivor letters. Wahoo! Can't wait for people to receive them. Then I went to my Oral Comm teacher's office (from last semester) and she gave me $5 for Relay. We're getting closer to our goal :)
After class I had lunch and then went to work. My shift seemed to go by pretty fast and then I shopped! They have associate shopping days today through Saturday which means we get 35% off instead of 15%. Plus I had a 20% off coupon. Plus I had $10 Kohl's cash. So I bought a new pair of tennis shoes and paid $27 for them :) I then went to Hudson for choir practice and came back to campus to study. 2 tests tomorrow :( BUT on the bright side, I actually understand what I am being tested over in Math so that's a plus. :)
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
April 3
Ok, first of all....I have raised $100 IN THE PAST 24 HOURS. The people in my community are seriously, amazing. I'm emailing out the survivor letters today to let them know that I am honoring them. Relay is in 9 DAYS. So excited. Katlyne and I went to Bank Night this evening and received our free t-shirts since we both raised $100 each before March 1. That's my photo of the day. The rest of my day was pretty uneventful, but incredibly productive. Awwwww yeah. So proud of myself. Aaaand now it's time to get some much needed sleep.
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