My day was long. And boring. So this will be a short post. :)
Danielle and I have been eating together-just the two of us-a lot. Mainly because it's usually a trio and Katlyne has been gone :'( My photo of the day is of the large and unique strawberry I consumed at lunch today. :)
After my World Geo test (oofta.) I went to the Health Center and made an appointment to see the doctor. When I saw her, she gave me a sling and said the best thing to do would be to go to physical therapy to recover faster. So I had to go out to Biolife after the Doctor visit to sign a release of medical information form so they could sent to it my doctor and (hopefully) they will pay for the physical therapy. We should find out today. I had supper with Danielle and then worked on the enormous amount of French review worksheets we had to do. I watched Parenthood (which, for a season finale, wasn't that great.) and went to bed around 11.
Also, I was texting my friend Tate alllllll day. It was awesome. I miss him. :)
My amazing family.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Bruise Progression: 6 days after the incident
It just keeps getting uglier and uglier. Here's the thing-the bruise doesn't even hurt that bad. It's my bicep muscle that hurts-I can't straighten my arm all the way, lift anything, I can barely open doors. It's really inconvenient. But hopefully physical therapy will help-even though it will be painful.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Shit My Friends Say
My friend Morgan (boy Morgan), while studying World Geography last night at the library, said this:
"It's all gonna be one body of water. Everything is called the Atlantic Ocean."
If only, Morgan. If only.
"It's all gonna be one body of water. Everything is called the Atlantic Ocean."
If only, Morgan. If only.
Monday, February 27, 2012
February 27
Oofta. My weekend: Successful? yes. Productive? no. We did a whole lot of nothing in my Writing class. Soooo boring. In French Flavia filled us in on the changes happening with the budget cuts here at UNI. It was pretty interesting and a little scary. I had lunch with Danielle after class, took a shower, and then studied a little for Geography. I went at 4:30 to help with the Pizza Ranch fundraiser, but since I can't use my right arm, I didn't stay long. I went back to campus and picked up Jen, Morgan, and Danielle and we went back to Pizza Ranch to eat supper. When we got back to campus, Morgan, Danielle and I went to the library to meet the boy Morgan and study for World Geography. I'm in the Union now for my CAC meeting.......I'm so tired.
Here's my photo of the day:
Here's my photo of the day:
boy Morgan,
Pizza Ranch,
World Geography
February 26
I was hoping to be productive today, but we all know how that goes. I got home from Cedar Rapids around noon and then ate lunch with Danielle and some of her friends. I showered and left around 3 for the Rock. I went to spend the day at home. I stopped to see Pedersen's for about a half hour and then went to Zac's house for a bit. When my parents got home around 8, Zac and I went over there to make our supper and spend some time with my parents. We watched the Oscars and then I left around 9:30.
My photo of the day was actually taken by my friend Danielle, but it explains exactly how I feel. We miss Katlyne :(
My photo of the day was actually taken by my friend Danielle, but it explains exactly how I feel. We miss Katlyne :(
February 25
Saturday! It was a rather lazy day. I slept in until about 9:30-which was awesome. I showered and then had brunch with Jen. I left around 1:00 for Cedar Rapids to visit my friend DJ. Once I got there, I sat in my car for 15 minutes because he didn't answer his dang phone. How rude (said in the Stephanie-from-Full-House way). He finally called me back and I figured out how to get to his room. We hung out there with some of his friends until his parents came. We went out to eat with them and then went to watch DJ's jazz band concert.
My photo of the day is of my RA's boyfriend, who recently won the "Mr. School of Music" competition. Some people from RC believe he looks like Josiah Simpson. I see it a little bit....
My photo of the day is of my RA's boyfriend, who recently won the "Mr. School of Music" competition. Some people from RC believe he looks like Josiah Simpson. I see it a little bit....
And unfortunately, I took ONE picture the whole time I was in CR. ONE!! and it's not even good. but here it is :)
Saturday, February 25, 2012
February 24
Friday. Faire la fĂȘte! We had another Up-Close day today so I worked that table with Lindsey again. Due to my injury, I didn't participate in the Interlude this time, but I did take a picture of everyone else doing it!
My French class was cancelled because of the snow-Flavia must drive from somewhere. I went to my 11:00 class, and it was really boring, like usual. I had lunch with Katlyne, Danielle, Chloe, and some of Chloe's friends. (different Chloe than P&W band) After lunch I was in my room all afternoon because we showed our room for the Up-Close day tours again. After that was over, Jen and I went to get Scratch cupcakes. YUM. We came back and I did some homework before we ate supper with Tiffany. After supper I got a Skype call from Kaden, Connor, and Lindsay. :) Kaden told me that Connor was being annoying. When Lindsay asked Kaden what annoying meant, he said "Annoying is when you drive people crazy." What a funny guy. I had to cut the conversation short because I had to go to the women's basketball game to hand out ribbons, etc. for the Pink Out game. I left at halftime and then hung out with Jen. We had a good time!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Bruise Progression: Day 3
I have a little more range of motion today, but it's still sore. The bruise is growing, but the picture doesn't really show that. It is starting to expand all around my elbow. (Pretty SWEET)
February 23
'Twas a long day. I had lunch with Morgan, Jen, Katlyne, and Danielle. After French I sat in the Union with Olivia until my next class. World Geography seems to be going by much quicker these days... After class I watched Ellen with Katlyne while doing some homework. We ate supper and then Rob picked me up to go to the church to practice Praise and Worship band. It was only Chloe, Rob, and I because Liz had a band concert and Lucas went to watch the band concert. We were there for about an hour, as my arm could only take so much. I came back and did a whole of nothing and then went to bed. It snowed again today, a lot. It was so pretty, but now it's just annoying.
During French we did a "show and tell". This is my friend Olivia playing a little piece on her clarinet for us :)
During French we did a "show and tell". This is my friend Olivia playing a little piece on her clarinet for us :)
Thursday, February 23, 2012
February 22
February 22, 2012, is officially deemed as one of my least favorite days, EVER. We'll get there later. I went to the Union to work out.. I read while I'm riding the exercise bike. I'm SO CLOSE to being done with the Hunger Games. However, I have a page-long to do list for this week so I should work on that before I finish it. It's killing me though. During my writing class I finished our assignment that is not actually due until 11:59pm of the 23rd. Hooray for not procrastinating! After class I had lunch with Courtney and then came to my room and buckled down. I got so much done! I went to donate plasma around 4:00. This is where it gets ugly. I drank A LOT of caffeine on Tuesday, which is not good for donating plasma. They encourage you to be very well hydrated. I didn't even think about that when I was drinking my 2 glasses of iced tea. So I was having trouble the whole time because the needle kept moving. I finished my last return and the saline solution started going in. I knew something wasn't right. I had an awful pain in my arm. I called the lady over and told her that the cuff felt really tight. She said it shouldn't be inflated at all because the saline was going in. Little did I know that it felt tight because my arm was swelling up like a balloon. Apparently the needle got moved again and the saline solution was going into the tissue of my arm instead of my vein. They didn't tell me that right away, though. So I'm crying because 1) it hurt so bad and 2) I thought I was going to die. They took me into an exam room and a nurse had to help my take my shirt off so she could look at my arm. It was huge. Probably the size of my calf, no joke. They told me what happened and they said my body would eventually absorb it, but since it had stretched my skin out it would probably leave a pretty good bruise. I guess we'll find out. So after that incident I came back to campus and grabbed supper. I then headed to Hudson to play at the Ash Wednesday service-Jen went with me. It was slightly difficult to play with my arm but I managed it. I dropped Jen off at the dorm and then drove to St. Stephen's because the choir was ministering at mass. After mass, Rob followed me out to the parking lot where I parked my car and then drove me back to my dorm because he's such a nice guy. Katlyne helped me get undressed and into my pajamas. I took some painkillers and headed to bed.
The weather today was ridiculously bipolar. It was fine when walking to workout and on the way back. While walking to my 11:00 class, it snowed. HUGE snowflakes. It was soooo pretty!
The weather today was ridiculously bipolar. It was fine when walking to workout and on the way back. While walking to my 11:00 class, it snowed. HUGE snowflakes. It was soooo pretty!
The picture doesn't really capture the beauty, though. When I left to donate plasma at 4, it was sunny and 40 degrees. Crazy!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
February 21
Happy Mardi Gras! I hope everyone indulged one last time in what they are giving up. I know I did. I'm giving up chocolate.....I hope I can do it.
It was just another confusing day in Math. I sure hope I pass this class. Religion exams were due today so we didn't have class. I came back to my room and finished one essay before lunch with Katlyne, Morgan, and Jen. I showed up for my 12:30 class...there was a huge misunderstanding. The grad student that teaches our T TH class is very disorganized. She told us in advance that she couldn't be in class today, but she gave Eddie a movie that we were to watch. Except, no one was there to unlock the door for us, and when we asked another professor, he wouldn't open the door because he didn't want us to be responsible if anything went wrong the technology. So, as directed, we waited ten minutes and when no one showed up, we left. We decided to work on our workbook activities together in the library. We did that until some of us had to go to class at 2. My 2:00 class was interesting, as always. My friend Rachel(not my future roommate) took a tally of how many times our professor said "And so on down the line". He was up to 10 after just a half hour. After class I finished my religion exams and turned them in. I was working on some homework when my phone rang. It was my beautiful friend Mollie! What a splendid surprise. We talked until about 5:45 and then I went to supper with Tiffany and Katlyne. After supper I finished an assignment for my writing class, spent some time with Morgan and Jen, and then watched Parenthood at 9. love, love, love that show. This episode was slightly predictable, though. I won't spoil it for any of you who haven't watched it yet. :) It is time to do some reading and head to bed!
It was just another confusing day in Math. I sure hope I pass this class. Religion exams were due today so we didn't have class. I came back to my room and finished one essay before lunch with Katlyne, Morgan, and Jen. I showed up for my 12:30 class...there was a huge misunderstanding. The grad student that teaches our T TH class is very disorganized. She told us in advance that she couldn't be in class today, but she gave Eddie a movie that we were to watch. Except, no one was there to unlock the door for us, and when we asked another professor, he wouldn't open the door because he didn't want us to be responsible if anything went wrong the technology. So, as directed, we waited ten minutes and when no one showed up, we left. We decided to work on our workbook activities together in the library. We did that until some of us had to go to class at 2. My 2:00 class was interesting, as always. My friend Rachel(not my future roommate) took a tally of how many times our professor said "And so on down the line". He was up to 10 after just a half hour. After class I finished my religion exams and turned them in. I was working on some homework when my phone rang. It was my beautiful friend Mollie! What a splendid surprise. We talked until about 5:45 and then I went to supper with Tiffany and Katlyne. After supper I finished an assignment for my writing class, spent some time with Morgan and Jen, and then watched Parenthood at 9. love, love, love that show. This episode was slightly predictable, though. I won't spoil it for any of you who haven't watched it yet. :) It is time to do some reading and head to bed!
It's a western themed customer appreciation week in the Union. Courtney and I took advantage of this lovely opportunity. :)
Mardi Gras,
Rachel Decker
Monday, February 20, 2012
February 20
Mooooooooooonday. <---- that's how long my day felt. I got up and went to work out at the Union. I came back, showered, ate some delectable Honey Nut Cheerios, and went to class. In my writing class we did a revision exercise-YES. I love grammar. My brother-in-law JD calls me a nerd for that, but he's the one currently assembling his own computer........ :) French class was awesome, as always. Flavia can always brighten my day. I took every chance I got today to read more in my book. I just want to finish it but I have a busy week so I should probably get all the sleep I can. I worked from 3-7, mostly in Customer Service, which I've never been officially "trained" in, but I know how to do most of the stuff back my supervisor always has me help out if the line is long-which is fine because I actually customer service. I walked out of Kohl's and it was a bit windy and chilly, but there was no precipitation. I parked my car and the minute I stepped out to walk back to my building-SNOW. or RAIN. I'm not quite sure what it was actually, but it was cold and wet and blowing everywhere and it made the walk MISERABLE. I made it back to the dorm, repacked my bag, and headed to the Union for our CAC meetings. Our executive meeting was record time-less than an hour. Sweet! I can actually get to bed at a decent time tonight. Awesome. :)
We got new name tags at Kohl's......apparently 4 months equals a year......?
We got new name tags at Kohl's......apparently 4 months equals a year......?
Today is national Hoodie Hoo Day. I have no idea what that means, but it reminds me of a song my nephew sings....I wish I could show you a video of it, but I can't find it. Shucks.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
February 19
So I got up early enough this morning to throw some clothes on, brush my teeth, throw my hair in a ponytail, and leave. And I was still 5minutes late. No worries though, I think Emily has caught on to the idea of telling me I need to be there about 10 minutes earlier than I actually do... Anyway, I stayed at Hudson church long enough for the choir to sing and then I left. I drove out to Comfort Suites to pick up Cassie and Kenzie Brennan to drive them to their car (they took a taxi to their hotel after the concert last night). When I got back to my room I showered and did some homework and then ate brunch with Katlyne. I took a short catnap before I went to work at 2. I was supposed to get off at 7 but I have this weakness where, if someone asks me to do something, I can't say no. So when my manager asked me to stay an extra hour, I couldn't say no. I got off at 8 and headed back to campus. I went to church and am now heading to bed.
On a side note, three weeks from today I will be in Phoenix. Yay :)
On a side note, three weeks from today I will be in Phoenix. Yay :)
It's a picture of my calendar because we're so close to spring break that it's on my calendar. Yahoo!
Lindsay was right. The Hunger Games is like crack. If I didn't care about being too tired to function, I would've stayed up to finish it last night. But, alas, I knew I had to work today so I limited myself. But it really is like crack. Everyone should read it.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
February 18
I was late for work today, whoops! (Only 5 minutes!). The next 5 1/2 hours of my life were HELL. It was ridiculously busy at work. I think it was worse than Christmas season. So I got off work around 4:40 and then headed back to campus. I changed clothes and headed to Abby's apartment to see her and KENZIE. Yes, Kenzie. :) They were going to the Jason Aldean concert. When they left for that, I left to meet Rachel and Danielle at Russell hall. We went to the jazz band concert. It was really good, but really long. After the concert we went to Ton'y for pizza. We sat down, ordered, and the waitress comes back 2 minutes later and says, "We actually already had one made." No. Way. Danielle and I were so hungry because we didn't eat before the concert. It was amazing. We headed back to campus, which was ridiculous because it just happened to be at the same time that the Jason Aldean concert let out. Soooooo many people. I finally made it back to my room around midnight.
Friday, February 17, 2012
February 17
I was up unusually early today. That's because UNI hosted an Up-Close day, where possible students come and really get to see UNI "Up-Close". I went to the McLeod to sit at a table for CAC with Lindsey, another CAC exec. We did the Interlude on the floor before we left. It was fun :) After that I headed to the WRC for a quick workout. I rushed back to my room to get ready in time for class. I get to class, and we're there for 20 minutes. No joke. So I went to the Union and had lunch. After my 12:00 class I came back to my room because I (apparently) volunteered to have my room open for people to view. So I cleaned it up really fast and then sat here....for 2 hours. Haha, Katlyne sat with me for a while. I went to donate plasma and now I'm heading to eat supper with Katlyne. Who knows what the rest of the night will bring! Here's a photo from this morning:
February 16
Another long day. After my first two classes I had lunch with Katlyne, Danielle, and Morgan. After class I re-contracted for living on campus next year. Campbell 4004 isn't gonna know what hit it. Rachel and I are there and Katlyne and Danielle are gonna live across the hall. CAN'T. WAIT. I ate supper around 5:45 with Jen, Morgan, Katlyne, Rachel and Tiffany. It was entertaining to say the least. I didn't have much homework so I basically just hung out with Jen Morgan and Katlyne. :)
Fish are friends, not food.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
February 15
I'm getting really bad at this...
I only had one class today, and it wasn't until noon. Awesome! I got up around 9:30 and headed to the Union to work out. I returned and got ready for the day. I went to my one class (French) and Flavia told us about an awesome program where anyone that has French background can apply. If you get accepted you spend either a semester or whole academic year in France as a teacher's assistant. You get paid 1000 Euros a month and you get Fridays off so a 3 day traveling weekend is possible. Sounds amazing! She said most people go right after they graduate so they don't interrupt their studies. I think it sounds like something I should consider....
After class I had lunch with Courtney. I checked my mail and had not one, but TWO letters for me. One was a Valentine's Day card from my parents and the other was a letter from my friend Rickey who is at a basic training camp in Oklahoma for 5 months. It's fun to go old-school and write letters. :) I did some homework and some laundry and then went to donate plasma. When I got back Chloe, Lucas, and Liz picked me up and we met Rob at Buffalo Wild Wings for supper. (It was a CAC fundraiser there, so 10% of our bill went to UNI's RFL). After supper we headed to the church to start setting up. Fr Ken is on vacation this week so it was a student-planned Prime Time. It lasted WAY longer than mass. We didn't get out of there until 10:30. But ANYWAY, our Praise and Worship band played some songs and it was good to get in front of an audience (and also fun). Except for the fact the since I donated plasma and had my finger pricked, every time I hit the key juuuuust right with that finger, it started throbbing. There's a bruise now :( But if that's the least of my pain this week, then I'm truly blessed, as there are people out there in WAY more pain than a bruised finger.
Danielle redecorated her door today. Due to the fact that I walked in her room the other day(like usual) and interrupted her nap, I have a special spot on their door:
I only had one class today, and it wasn't until noon. Awesome! I got up around 9:30 and headed to the Union to work out. I returned and got ready for the day. I went to my one class (French) and Flavia told us about an awesome program where anyone that has French background can apply. If you get accepted you spend either a semester or whole academic year in France as a teacher's assistant. You get paid 1000 Euros a month and you get Fridays off so a 3 day traveling weekend is possible. Sounds amazing! She said most people go right after they graduate so they don't interrupt their studies. I think it sounds like something I should consider....
After class I had lunch with Courtney. I checked my mail and had not one, but TWO letters for me. One was a Valentine's Day card from my parents and the other was a letter from my friend Rickey who is at a basic training camp in Oklahoma for 5 months. It's fun to go old-school and write letters. :) I did some homework and some laundry and then went to donate plasma. When I got back Chloe, Lucas, and Liz picked me up and we met Rob at Buffalo Wild Wings for supper. (It was a CAC fundraiser there, so 10% of our bill went to UNI's RFL). After supper we headed to the church to start setting up. Fr Ken is on vacation this week so it was a student-planned Prime Time. It lasted WAY longer than mass. We didn't get out of there until 10:30. But ANYWAY, our Praise and Worship band played some songs and it was good to get in front of an audience (and also fun). Except for the fact the since I donated plasma and had my finger pricked, every time I hit the key juuuuust right with that finger, it started throbbing. There's a bruise now :( But if that's the least of my pain this week, then I'm truly blessed, as there are people out there in WAY more pain than a bruised finger.
Danielle redecorated her door today. Due to the fact that I walked in her room the other day(like usual) and interrupted her nap, I have a special spot on their door:
My other picture of the day is of the cutest couple ever: Lucas and Liz :)
Buffalo Wild Wings,
Praise band,
Prime Time,
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
February 14
Happy Valentine's Day!! I had no ambition to get out of bed this morning, so I was ALMOST late for my 8am class. Almost. :) After my first 2 classes I had lunch with Katlyne, Danielle, Morgan, and Jen. Then I got my Valentine from Danielle:
A cupcake from Scratch! (SO GOOD)
I took some Valentines for the people in my French class (no candy though). When I gave one to my friend Eddie, he gave me one back: :)
After class we went to Ben Allen's office so Katlyne could deliver her valentine to him (she lost a bet with Danielle). There was a line of students waiting to see him so we gave the valentine to his secretary. Katlyne and I ate some pizza rolls while watching Ellen, and then we headed to the Union for Volunteer Tuesdays. We got a free t-shirt (like I need another one of those) and we spent 2 1/2 hours making tie blankets to donate to the Storks' Nest. Katlyne and I cranked out 4 tie blankets in the time we were there. When we returned we sat in the lounge for a while doing homework. Abbey and Danielle joined us in there. I finally headed to bed around 11:30. Just another photo: my best friend Katlyne :)
Monday, February 13, 2012
February 13
Just another manic Monday. (not really) Zac left around 6:30. I fell back asleep around 7 and the 2 hours of sleep I had by myself in my bed were GLORIOUS. Don't get me wrong, I love having him visit me. But 2 people in a twin sized bed is not exactly the most ideal sleeping condition. Anyway, I finally rolled out of bed around 9:30ish and got ready for the day. I sat through my super boring writing class and then my awesome French class. Flavia never ceases to amaze me. I headed to my car around 1:30 to head to work. It was SO BORING. Nobody likes to shop on a Monday. Anyway, I got off work and scored a new Columbia coat for $50. (Thanks mom and dad). 'Tis very warm and blue! After work I grabbed supper and then headed to my meeting for CAC. It was a tad long but with Relay in only 58 DAYS, we have a lot to discuss. I almost biffed it on my way back. It doesn't seem slick until you almost have a heart attack from falling. Yikes. It's time for bed. :) My photo of the day is a picture of Danielle and the valentine I made her (from the 97 cent box of 32 I bought at Walmart)
February 12
Lazy Sunday. :) They're the best! We got up and went to church at St. Stephen's because I had to be the accompanist. After church we went to Village Inn (this has become a tradition for us :) ) After breakfast/lunch we wandered around the mall until 1:15 when we headed to the movie theatre to see THE VOW!!! :) It was so cute :) After the movie we went to back to the room and were lazy. It was awesome. I had a CAC meeting at 7 so we went to that and then back to the room. We watched a bit of the Grammys and then the Lion King. We headed to bed around 11.
Evidence of how lazy we were.......
Saturday, February 11, 2012
February 11
God was really looking out for me. I woke up around 8:15 this morning. I couldn't fall back asleep so I got up. I looked out the window and realized that my car was parked on the side of the ride that you can't park on on Saturdays. There was no ticket yet. I SPRINTED outside and moved it. Success. It was extremely cold out there. I came back inside and went to bed. :) We finally rolled out of bed around 11. It was a perfect lazy Saturday. We went to Panda Express for lunch. We came back and watched tv for the afternoon. We headed to Famous Dave's for supper around 5:15. At 6:45 we went to the HuB to help set up for the CAC Fundraiser. We were at the HuB until 11. Then we walked across the street to Tony's and grabbed some pizza. (My favorite pizza place in CF!) We came back and I was reunited with Katlyne, whom I hadn't talked to ALL day (that's a long time for us). Now we're just lounging. :) What a good day. EXCEPT. Zac snooped(because he's a jerk), found my blog, and saw his present before I gave it to him. I was so mad :( I got my present today though. Here he is: so cute!
His name is Charlie :)
Some of the CAC girls at the fundraiser.
February 10
FRIDAY! :) I worked out before class today. After class I ate lunch with Courtney and then went to donate plasma. I haven't done that since before Christmas break. I treated myself by going to Walmart and purchasing a Cadbury Creme Egg. :) When I got back I went to the book store and mailed Kaden and Connor's valentines. I tidied my room a bit and then went to supper with Katlyne, Danielle, Jen, Tiffany, Brandon, and Brett. After supper I redecorated my door and then Katlyne, Tiffany, and I watched Bridesmaids in my room. Zac got here around 11:15. We went to bed around midnight.
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Meet my friend Brandon.... |
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Shit My Friends Say
Katlyne: You're such a knick knack!
Katlyne: This is like fall in my mouth. (While eating a cinnamon apple cookie)
Katlyne: This is like fall in my mouth. (While eating a cinnamon apple cookie)
Shit My Sister Says
Shelby read the Hunger Games first, told Lindsay to read them, who then told me to read them. I'm still on the first book because I'm always hard at work studying ;)
Last night Lindsay texted me. "How far are you in the Hunger Games?" I responded with "Not far" and told her where I was. Her response? "Keep reading. once the games start you won't be able to put it down. It's like crack."
Last night Lindsay texted me. "How far are you in the Hunger Games?" I responded with "Not far" and told her where I was. Her response? "Keep reading. once the games start you won't be able to put it down. It's like crack."
February 9
Let's start off with: My math professor is a jerk. I'm going to stop there so I don't go on a rant. Let's continue with: My Religions teacher is awesome. And: My World Geography class is boring, and so on down the line. So that's what we're dealing with.
After class I had intentions of being productive but, well, I wasn't. I watched Ellen with Katlyne, had supper with Katlyne and Tiffany, and went to a free ZUMBA session in the McLeod. An hour and a half. It was a serious workout-and so much fun! Unfortunately I couldn't take a picture while Zumba-ing, so I took a picture of the McLeod when we were done. Not as cool, I know. After Zumba we stopped at Joyce's room to get supplies for a door decorating contest. Katlyne and I were asked to knock on everyone's door in our Eiffel house and tell them about the supplies, with the incentive of getting Dancer Dollars (which can be used at the end of the semester to obtain really cool stuff.) We talked in a British accent the whole time, and it was a jolly old time. At 9:15 we went up to the 6th floor, where they provided us with delicious Valentine's Day cookies. Afterwards I hung out in Morgan and Jen's room for a while. 'Twas fun. I'm exhausted, so off to bed I go. Bonne nuit, tout le monde! :)
After class I had intentions of being productive but, well, I wasn't. I watched Ellen with Katlyne, had supper with Katlyne and Tiffany, and went to a free ZUMBA session in the McLeod. An hour and a half. It was a serious workout-and so much fun! Unfortunately I couldn't take a picture while Zumba-ing, so I took a picture of the McLeod when we were done. Not as cool, I know. After Zumba we stopped at Joyce's room to get supplies for a door decorating contest. Katlyne and I were asked to knock on everyone's door in our Eiffel house and tell them about the supplies, with the incentive of getting Dancer Dollars (which can be used at the end of the semester to obtain really cool stuff.) We talked in a British accent the whole time, and it was a jolly old time. At 9:15 we went up to the 6th floor, where they provided us with delicious Valentine's Day cookies. Afterwards I hung out in Morgan and Jen's room for a while. 'Twas fun. I'm exhausted, so off to bed I go. Bonne nuit, tout le monde! :)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
February 8
Happy Hump Day! My intentions of working out this morning were good, but it didn't happen. Instead, I was lazy. I finished up some homework, showered, had breakfast-that stuff. I headed to my 11:00 class-College Writing and Research. What a boring class...........anyway. We got our French tests back and I got a 96-woohoo! I had lunch with Courtney and then got down to business. I had a list of to-do's and I got MOST of them done. I had dinner with Katlyne and Tiffany at 5 and then headed to Hudson around 6:30. When I got back, Katlyne met me at the WRC and we played racquetball. We went upstairs to do our abs workout and then headed back to the dorms. I was hoping to take a shower but, alas, all the showers were taken. I guess I'm getting up early tomorrow-dang. :( My photo of the day is the FINISHED product of Zac's Valentine's Day present. Yay :)
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:) |
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
February 7
Due to being up late last night, I rolled out of bed around 7:35. That gave me enough time to brush my teeth, put clothes on, and leave for class. No worries, I was not late. My math class about bores me to death though. Not as much as my World Geo class, however. So. Boring. My French class got canceled today, so I had a break from 10:45 to 2:00. In that time period, I ate lunch, showered, and made some progress on Zac's present. Almost there :) After class I worked on some homework while watching Ellen. Mom and Dad arrived around 5 and we travelled over to My Verona on Main for supper. Fancy, but delicious. After supper we trotted over to Scratch to get some cupcakes :) That's my photo of the day because I forgot to take a picture of my parents (oops!) They dropped me off at the church for choir practice and they went to the GBPAC to see Elvis Lives. Ma just called and said it was awesome, and-of course-dad posted a photo on Facebook of it. (He's hooked, btw) Choir was relaxing. I came back to the room and worked on some homework while watching Parenthood-LOVE THAT SHOW. Now it's time to hit the hay. Happy Hump Day tomorrow everyone!
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Coconut love <3 |
Monday, February 6, 2012
February 6
Easiest day ever. I woke up around 9:30, went to work out in the Union, came back and showered. Then I went to my one class at noon. My 11:00 class got canceled. We had a test in French-pretty easy. After class I had lunch by myself and then did my homework. Go me! I left around 2:30 and went to Walmart to pick up the pictures to make Zac's present. I haven't gotten it made yet, but I have until Friday when he comes to stay with me. I worked 3:15 to 7:15. After work I made myself some Ramen for supper. First time I've eaten it since I've been at college! That's my picture of the day because my day was boring. I had a CAC meeting at 8:30 and it lasted about an hour. I should be in bed by now but a guy from Tiffany's high school came to say hi and he just left. So now I can go to bed. :)
Sunday, February 5, 2012
February 5
I went to bed WAY too late last night. I ended up skyping with Zac until about 3am. Bad. Idea. 7:30 came way too fast. So I've gone the whole day on about 4 1/2 hours of sleep-no nap. I got up and went to play at Hudson. I left there when we got done singing our song and came back to my dorm to shower and get ready for church at St. Stephen's. I went to church and got to see Rob. He told me all about his weekend at the International Job Fair and the job he took in Mexico City :( I'm really happy that he's getting this opportunity but it's going to be sad when he leaves us :( (Rob started the Praise and Worship band that we have at St. Stephen's now). After church I went and had brunch with Katlyne at Rialto. I headed to the library around 12:40 to meet up with some classmates and study for our French test tomorrow. I'm not too worried about it but I figured studying couldn't hurt me. When I got back from the library Danielle curled my hair so I could make Zac's Valentine's Day present. :) I will show a picture of the finished product but I'll share the pictures that are going into it. (Don't worry, he doesn't read my blog. He doesn't even know how to get to it, so we're good :) )

These are the final edited ones that I'm using. I realize the L doesn't look that great, especially compared to the others, but oh well. (He's a guy, he won't really care.) Danielle took the photos for me. After the photo shoot was over, Katlyne, Morgan and I went to dinner with Kelly and Danielle in the Rialto. Kelly and Danielle had an audition for a play. K, M and I went back upstairs. I turned the game on while making more valentines for Zac. Then I started editing the photos and I finally finished a little bit ago. Our lighting wasn't ideal, otherwise these could have been better. So now, the sleep-deprived Whitney is finally crashing. Good night all! Have a great week!

These are the final edited ones that I'm using. I realize the L doesn't look that great, especially compared to the others, but oh well. (He's a guy, he won't really care.) Danielle took the photos for me. After the photo shoot was over, Katlyne, Morgan and I went to dinner with Kelly and Danielle in the Rialto. Kelly and Danielle had an audition for a play. K, M and I went back upstairs. I turned the game on while making more valentines for Zac. Then I started editing the photos and I finally finished a little bit ago. Our lighting wasn't ideal, otherwise these could have been better. So now, the sleep-deprived Whitney is finally crashing. Good night all! Have a great week!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
February 4
Longest. Day. Ever. (So far) I didn't sleep well last night. Woke up at 4am to get ready to hit the road. Surprisingly, I was on time. I left around 5, stopped to get gas and some caffeine and was on my way to judge my first speech contest. :) It was SUCH a great day-I saw so many good performances and it was really enjoyable-plus I get paid! The weather didn't hold us back so it was a very successful day.
It was Joe's first judging experience too. :)
I arrived back in Cedar Falls about 7:15. I freshened up and then headed to Valley Park Lanes for the Kohl's Christmas party. It was a good time-karaoke! I came back to the dorms and hung out with Katlyne and Danielle for a while. After being awake for almost 24 straight hours, I CANNOT WAIT to hit my bed. Here's a karaoke pic :)
It was Joe's first judging experience too. :)
I arrived back in Cedar Falls about 7:15. I freshened up and then headed to Valley Park Lanes for the Kohl's Christmas party. It was a good time-karaoke! I came back to the dorms and hung out with Katlyne and Danielle for a while. After being awake for almost 24 straight hours, I CANNOT WAIT to hit my bed. Here's a karaoke pic :)
February 3
I am so behind. Sorry! Today was an easy day. I got up around 9:15, went to class, had lunch with Courtney, and then had a laundry date with Katlyne. At 5 we headed to the WRC for a CAB (Campus Activities Board) event. Free food! It was fun. Then we tried Zumba for free-so much fun! We headed to the West Gym to try and get a free t-shirt at the wrestling meet but they were all gone :( So we went back to the WRC and Danielle and I climbed the rock wall. Scary!!!! But I made it to the top of the short one AND the tall one. I was so proud of myself. Afterward we came back to the dorm and I went to bed around 9. i'll tell you why in the next post :)
Rock climbing swag :)
Rock climbing swag :)
Thursday, February 2, 2012
February 2
I had a math test this morning. I walked out of the room feeling really good about it. My professor posted the grades this afternoon. Apparently I shouldn't be so cocky... we'll just leave it at that. My photo of the day is the size comparison between my two friends, Morgan and Danielle. Morgan is the tall one :)
Haha they're so cute :)
We travelled over to Piazza for supper tonight to eat with Brandon and his RA Tyler. It was a good time. Afterwards I went to the church for Praise and Worship band practice. LOVE Thursday nights. :) I was crazy (like usual) hyper. It was so much fun. I came back to my room and did some homework and then Katlyne and I went to workout around 9:15. We got back and got some ice cream from Joyce :) And it is now bedtime. :)
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
February 1
For those of you reading from my hometown, WHITE RABBIT. :)
I got up around 8:30 this morning and headed to the Union to work out. I went 15 minutes on the elliptical and then 13 minutes on the bike. While on the bike I started to read Hunger Games (hence the reason I went 13 instead of 10 minutes) I couldn't put it down! I'm only on the second chapter but it is SO GOOD!! So I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot more time reading in the near future :) After class Abby came to pick me up and we went on a date to Coldstone. On Wednesdays with a college ID it's buy one get one free-amazing! So she's my photo of the day. :) It was good to catch up with her-I haven't seen her since before Christmas, and we live in the same town!
I got up around 8:30 this morning and headed to the Union to work out. I went 15 minutes on the elliptical and then 13 minutes on the bike. While on the bike I started to read Hunger Games (hence the reason I went 13 instead of 10 minutes) I couldn't put it down! I'm only on the second chapter but it is SO GOOD!! So I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot more time reading in the near future :) After class Abby came to pick me up and we went on a date to Coldstone. On Wednesdays with a college ID it's buy one get one free-amazing! So she's my photo of the day. :) It was good to catch up with her-I haven't seen her since before Christmas, and we live in the same town!
After our date I came back to my room and made Zac's valentine that I get to send tomorrow morning. It was really cute. Katlyne and I watched Ellen at 4 and then messed around until we ate supper at 6. We ambushed Morgan's room with my computer playing Interlude-Morgan joined in and did it with us. It's actually a great workout! (If you don't know what the Interlude is, Youtube UNI Interlude dance) We went to supper at 6 and I headed for Hudson about 6:30. It was crazy foggy outside-I felt like I was in a bad horror movie. It was really hard to see to drive. I got back about 8:00 and then did some homework in the lounge with Katlyne and Danielle. I took a shower and Morgan thought of the fabulous idea to pour cold water on me while I was in there. Someday I'll get her back. But, ta-ta for now! :)
Hunger Games,
White Rabbit,
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