I don't have much to say about today, except for the fact that I SAW THE HUNGER GAMES MOVIE FINALLY. By myself. Yep. I went to a movie by myself. I liked the movie. For the most part it stuck to the book. But it could have been way shorter. They made some parts way too drawn out. It kind of annoyed me. Also, it was food on a stick day in the Rialto.
My amazing family.

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
March 28
Hump day. About freakin' time. This week has been so slow. I forced myself to get out of bed this morning and work out. After getting ready for the day I headed to the campanile with the gallon of ice cream that I was storing my freezer. CAC had free Root Beer floats today because it's campus crusade. Hoorah. They were delicious. I went to class and then ate lunch with...get this...Christopher Gray. I always see him in the dining center eating at the same time I am alone. Usually I eat with Courtney but she had other plans today so I asked him to eat with me. We were civil, and it was actually kind of nice. After lunch I was planning on being productive but we all know how well THAT usually turns out. I went to the library at 3 to work with Katlyne on our geography project. We're in the same class with the same professor, just at different times. We have a travel guide project due in a couple weeks, so her and I are doing the same country. We headed back to the dorms later and had supper with Tiffany, Jen, Danielle, and Morgan. After supper we sat outside and Danielle painted our nails. What a nice gal! I had a team captain meeting for Relay at 7 (which took all of 30 minutes). I did some homework and took a shower and now I think I'll lie in bed and play Draw Something (SO ADDICTING).
Danielle's beautiful work:
Danielle's beautiful work:
March 27
Well, I'm really lucky. For my religions class, we don't take tests. Instead, she gives us information to write essays and we have to turn them in by 5pm. On the day our essays are due, we don't have class because she has open office hours. Soooo of course, I don't ever work ahead. I'm lucky because my 12:30 class got cancelled, too. So after I went to my 8:00 and showered, I wrote my essays. I took a break for lunch and then started back up again. Surprisingly, I got them all done before my 2:00 class. Go me! I was pretty impressed with myself.
One would think that if we have a large number of people eating lunch together, we would choose a larger table. Of course not. I had lunch with Katlyne, Danielle, Morgan, Jen, and Danielle's friend AB. We chose a small table and all crammed around it. This is what the table looked like.....
One would think that if we have a large number of people eating lunch together, we would choose a larger table. Of course not. I had lunch with Katlyne, Danielle, Morgan, Jen, and Danielle's friend AB. We chose a small table and all crammed around it. This is what the table looked like.....
Note to self: Get bigger table.
Since I finished all my homework, I was in a particularly good mood, and ridiculously hyper. Jen, Morgan, Katlyne, and I played Clue. When Jen went to class, Tiffany joined us and we played Phase 10. (If you know me well enough, you know that I was REALLY EXCITED about this, because I love playing games.) We ate supper and then I went to St. Stephen's for choir practice. I was not there very long because I had a committee meeting to go to for CAC. When I returned from the meeting, Katlyne and I went to play tennis (because I was annoying her with my insane amount of energy, so she wanted me to burn it off.) It worked, because I was ready for bed by the time we got back. Successful day!
Oh, here's a photo of my cute little trumpet playing friend, Rob. :)
Religion class,
St. Stephen's choir,
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
IT'S GONE! I would just like to take the time to say....MY BRUISE IS TOTALLY HEALED! Hoorah. :)
Monday, March 26, 2012
March 26
The day is not over yet, but I thought I'd get this done while I have time. I slept in today, which was much needed after a long busy weekend. I was planning on doing some homework today when I got up...but I didn't. Instead, I went to the Union and met up with Austin and Brett. UNI hosted the IHSAA All State speech today. I went to my classes and then met up with them again. They sat with me while I ate lunch. I went to work from 2:30 to 6:45 and it was stupid. Two people didn't show up, so we were short staffed. I finally got my break when I had 45 minutes left in my shift. So annoying. I grabbed some supper and here I am. Blogging. Instead of doing my homework. Oh well. You only live once ;) I have a CAC meeting tonight. 18 DAYS UNTIL RELAY. Scary. But I can't wait. :)
The handsome fellows I spent part of my day with. :)
March 25
I had to play at Hudson today. When I got back from that I did some homework and got ready for the day. I had brunch with Katlyne and then worked from 2-6:45. I grabbed some supper and then headed to the church because I had to be the accompanist. When I got back from church I was so tired that I just crashed. My photo is from a spot on campus. The ground is LOVING this weather because....everything is so green!
March 24
S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y, HEY! What a waste of my Saturday...sorta. I worked alllll day and we were busy. I got off work, picked KAtlyne up, and then we went to get Panda Express. YUM. We ate while watching the Blind Side on tv. We then got all dressed up to go to the Strayer-Wood Theather for the 10 minute play festival that Danielle was in. It was actually really interesting! Some photos from the evening:
Girl Morgan.
Boy Morgan.
boy Morgan,
Panda Express,
Saturday, March 24, 2012
March 23
Fridayyyy. I wasn't really too excited about this Friday, though. I didn't have anything to look forward to this weekend except WORK. boo. Katlyne and I worked out this morning at the WRC. There was about 8 tours that went through while we were there. Embarrassing.... I was sitting on the exercise bike reading my book when I heard someone yell my name. I look up, and who other than Brittany Greig and Wanda. No way! I never would've recognized Brittany-she's so much older than the last time I saw her! Crazy. I got a call from City Hall today for an interview for a job at the pool this summer. We'll see what happens with that. (if I don't get it, I still have a job at the lake.) I went to work from 2 to 8. After work I shopped a little and found some birthday presents for Connor. I packed some stuff and then headed over to Abby's apartment. It was so nice to hang out with her. We talked allllll night. And it was awesome. :)
Friday, March 23, 2012
March 22
Note: One month from the date of the arm incident. The bruise is ALMOST all gone.
Another day of understanding math class. AWESOME. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I was somewhat productive in the afternoon...kinda. Then I went to the church for Praise and Worship band practice. Love Thursday nights. When I came back I hung out in Morgan and Jen's room. It was pretty pathetic because we all downloaded the app "Draw Something"-it's like pictionary and SO much fun-and we were all sitting in the same room, playing against each other. Jen got her hair colored and she hated it so this is how I had to see it...
Another day of understanding math class. AWESOME. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I was somewhat productive in the afternoon...kinda. Then I went to the church for Praise and Worship band practice. Love Thursday nights. When I came back I hung out in Morgan and Jen's room. It was pretty pathetic because we all downloaded the app "Draw Something"-it's like pictionary and SO much fun-and we were all sitting in the same room, playing against each other. Jen got her hair colored and she hated it so this is how I had to see it...
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
March 21
Finally caught up! (Sorry for the lack of blogging until now.)
I intended to work out this morning. Instead, I finished homework. After class I was productive! I did some homework and FINALLY unpacked all my stuff from coming back after spring break. I rearranged my clothes to fit all my shorts and summer-y clothes in. One can actually sit down in my room now. :) I worked out (for the first time in 2 weeks-oofta!). It felt really good to workout again! I should not have taken 2 weeks off....I also realized that my arm is still pretty weak, even though the bruise is almost completely gone. (not that it wasn't weak before-ha.) During my workout, I started the 3RD HUNGER GAMES BOOK. I'm so excited. I'm going to bed early tonight so I can read for a while. :)
I intended to work out this morning. Instead, I finished homework. After class I was productive! I did some homework and FINALLY unpacked all my stuff from coming back after spring break. I rearranged my clothes to fit all my shorts and summer-y clothes in. One can actually sit down in my room now. :) I worked out (for the first time in 2 weeks-oofta!). It felt really good to workout again! I should not have taken 2 weeks off....I also realized that my arm is still pretty weak, even though the bruise is almost completely gone. (not that it wasn't weak before-ha.) During my workout, I started the 3RD HUNGER GAMES BOOK. I'm so excited. I'm going to bed early tonight so I can read for a while. :)
I had supper with Katlyne, Morgan, Jen, and Tiffany, and then headed to Hudson for choir practice. I got it all worked out so I can be home (well, in Alta) for Connor's 1st birthday party. Hooray. :)
March 20
What's awesome? The fact that I actually understood what we did in math class this morning. HOORAH!
What else is awesome? The fact that I finished the 2nd Hunger Games book. HOORAH!
What's not awesome? Katlyne invited me to hang out with her and Skippy tonight. I said sure! I didn't think it could be that harmless. WRONG. He took us to the woods. (Mind you, this is 8:15 at night.) FIRST: I hate nature. SECOND: I'm scared of the dark. Sounds like a solid idea, right? Ha. He wanted to show us this wrecked train in the middle of the woods. Granted, it was pretty cool once we got there. And it was a beautiful night. BUT: I did not have previous knowledge of this adventure, so I was wearing flip flops. I now have a blister BETWEEN my toes. Also, Skippy got lost on the way back to the car. We walked around in circles for a while. Thank goodness we finally made it back, or I might have had a mental breakdown.
What else is awesome? The fact that I finished the 2nd Hunger Games book. HOORAH!
What's not awesome? Katlyne invited me to hang out with her and Skippy tonight. I said sure! I didn't think it could be that harmless. WRONG. He took us to the woods. (Mind you, this is 8:15 at night.) FIRST: I hate nature. SECOND: I'm scared of the dark. Sounds like a solid idea, right? Ha. He wanted to show us this wrecked train in the middle of the woods. Granted, it was pretty cool once we got there. And it was a beautiful night. BUT: I did not have previous knowledge of this adventure, so I was wearing flip flops. I now have a blister BETWEEN my toes. Also, Skippy got lost on the way back to the car. We walked around in circles for a while. Thank goodness we finally made it back, or I might have had a mental breakdown.
March 19
Back to reality. Boo. I went to classes, and then worked all afternoon. After work I had supper with the girls and then went to my meeting for CAC. It was a super boring day, but it went fast. And also, I forgot to take a picture. :(
March 18
Saturday night was looooooong. I got up and went to church with mom & dad. Lindsay and the boys left before we went to church because they had to get back to make soup for their Fire Dept. soup supper. After church, mom made breakfast. We all kinda hung out. I read-a lot. and then took a long (much-needed) nap. I was supposed to go to work buuuuuut I forgot to call and check my schedule so I didn't know I was supposed to work. Oops. Around 6 I left with Lance and Zac to go out to their friend's house by the lake. We sat around and talked and then later went to Woody's for supper. When we got back to town I had to see the new pets that Lance bought... Oh these boys......
They're holding chickens. And the chickens are currently living in the basement of the Sedlacek/Higgins/Passow residence.
Dinner Dance
Saturday, March 17 was the Rockwell City Rotary Club's annual Dinner Dance. My mom is the president of the club, so she planned pretty much the whole thing. We spent Saturday morning and afternoon baking desserts and setting up tables for the event. Both of my sisters came home for the night and the whole family (minus Kaden and Connor) attended the event. We ALWAYS have a great time. We kept that tradition up! Some photos from the day:
Setting up: Kaden was a big help in moving the walls!
We had some down time, so Kaden and JD hung out in the chair. :)
Love them.
My sisters made me put on this hat. They thought it would be a perfect fit because I have a tiny head...
There are MANY more photos from the night that I will soon be posting to Facebook. :)
Spring Break!
I'm mashing this all into one post-I won't go into much detail. On the Sunday we flew out, we drove to Omaha and had lunch with Shelby & JD. Shelby so generously lent me the last 2 Hunger Games books. YES. I think you can figure out what I did all week... :) We had a peaceful direct flight to Phoenix and the lovely Josiah was there to greet us when we arrived. We grabbed some grub and headed to his place. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were filled with shopping (yay), eating, reading, and sitting by the pool in the sun. It was, well, AWESOME. It was so relaxing and fun. Such a great week with Zac. Friday we got up and climbed North Mountain. Yep, you read that right. I climbed a mountain. It gave me a splendid insight on how out of shape I am. Yikes. We headed to the airport. The journey home was not as short. We had about an hour layover in Denver and flew back in to Omaha around 12:30am. We(Zac) drove all the way back home. Here's some pics from the week. Zac HATES getting his picture taken...
These were taken on Tuesday night when we went
to Rock Bottom for supper. YUM!
This was at Mellow Mushroom on Wednesday night. John (left) is who Josiah lives with in Phoenix.
Thursday night we went downtown Phoenix. We ate some delicious pizza and fantastic crêpes.
The view from the top of North Mountain. So beautiful! (even though I'm not usually a fan of nature)
And that was my Spring Break in Phoenix. :)
These were taken on Tuesday night when we went
to Rock Bottom for supper. YUM!
This was at Mellow Mushroom on Wednesday night. John (left) is who Josiah lives with in Phoenix.
Thursday night we went downtown Phoenix. We ate some delicious pizza and fantastic crêpes.
The view from the top of North Mountain. So beautiful! (even though I'm not usually a fan of nature)
And that was my Spring Break in Phoenix. :)
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Bon voyage!
Tomorrow is the day!! We leave for Phoenix. our flight leaves around 5:30...I think. I'll be sure to check on that. :) I am not taking my computer because I want to relax. So, I bid you all adieu-until next week! Happy Spring Break 2012!!!! :)
March 10
First, Happy Birthday to my bestie, Abby.
Second, longest day of my life. I woke up at 3:45 and was out the door by 4:35. I stopped to top my car off with gas and grab a cappuccino. Long drive to Sibley-before the sun was up. I arrived around 7 and my day started.I judged prose all morning and storytelling all afternoon. It was actually a lot of fun. After our center was done, I hopped in and watched David Robideau and Brett Nicholson perform. Austin and Brett rode home with me so I could stay awake. We had a ton of fun just chatting away. We stopped at Zac's house to pick up his boots, took Austin to Lake City, took the boots to Lytton, took Brett home, and then I FINALLY made it home around 8:30. I got a big hug from KAden, had a delicious piece of homemade pizza, and then Kaden helped me pack....sorta. I'm finally ready for bed. I have a cuddle buddy tonight. :)
Second, longest day of my life. I woke up at 3:45 and was out the door by 4:35. I stopped to top my car off with gas and grab a cappuccino. Long drive to Sibley-before the sun was up. I arrived around 7 and my day started.I judged prose all morning and storytelling all afternoon. It was actually a lot of fun. After our center was done, I hopped in and watched David Robideau and Brett Nicholson perform. Austin and Brett rode home with me so I could stay awake. We had a ton of fun just chatting away. We stopped at Zac's house to pick up his boots, took Austin to Lake City, took the boots to Lytton, took Brett home, and then I FINALLY made it home around 8:30. I got a big hug from KAden, had a delicious piece of homemade pizza, and then Kaden helped me pack....sorta. I'm finally ready for bed. I have a cuddle buddy tonight. :)
"Make silly faces!"
Seriously, I don't think he could be any cuter.
March 9
FRIDAY. Yes. I woke up at 6-not by choice (obviously). I couldn't fall back asleep so I decided to be productive. I got up, showered, and packed. I ate breakfast with Katlyne around 8:15 and then left to get my pedicure around 9. It was very relaxing. After my pedi I went to HyVee to turn in my pop cans. I'm donating my pop can money to Relay. It was only 50 cents but hey, it's a start! I then went to Scratch to get cupcakes to take home to the fam. No coconut love, though :( I came back to campus and had lunch with Jen, Katlyne, and Danielle. I went to my 12:00 class and then was OFF. On my way home. Finally. My low fuel light came on but I was brave enough to try and make it to the Grundy County gas station. I made it, and then used my whole paycheck to put gas in my car.How depressing. I grabbed a Dr. Pepper and some almonds and was on my way. It was boring-like usual. I got home around 2:45, unloaded my stuff from my car, and was on the road again-to Lytton. But first I stopped at Pedersen's to deliver their cupcakes. I stopped in Lytton to deliver a cupcake to Zac. and then I went to see Aunt Sharon. :) We talked for a while and then I headed back home. And there they were, waiting for me. My boys (well, Lindsay's actually). Kaden gave me seriously the BEST hug in the entire world. He said: "Whitmee! Guess what I brought with me!" I said, "what?!" and he promptly replied, "CONNOR!" Hahaha. We played some Wii games and Tate came over to visit. Grandma came back from the store and we made some mac n' cheese for supper. Then I headed, with both boys, to Lake City to the SCC Dance show. It was not bad. They boys were VERY good throughout the whole thing. Kaden even helped the janitor clean up the programs afterwards while I talked to some friends. Scott was a big help with entertaining Kaden. I got to chat with some friends because Tori stole Connor for about 20 minutes(at least). She loves him (I think it's because he's so squishy.) We headed home, with Scott (because Michelle had to work). We got back in the house, ate some pudding, and headed to bed...but it was not soon enough...
Connor was very content just hanging out on the floor during the show.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
March 8
Happy...Thursday? Not so much. I procrastinated everything I needed to do until today. I cracked down! I went to my morning classes. After class and before lunch, I crossed 2 things off my to do list. I went to lunch with Katlyne, Morgan, and Danielle. After French and before Geo, I went to the library to type up letters for Relay asking for donations. I got them typed up and printed out, and finished searching for the addresses. I ran to the Union quick to grab some envelopes out of the office. During Geo I signed all the letters, addressed the envelopes, and stuffed the letters in the envelopes (all while paying attention, of course!) After Geo I took them back to the office for Cristy to stamp them and send them out. Can you say productive?! When I got back to my room I took my computer into the lounge and DID WORK on my paper that's due at midnight tomorrow. I finished it before supper. :) Katlyne and I took a break around 4:30 to get Scratch cupcakes. When we came back I parked my car on the street so it will be easier to load in the morning. After supper with Katlyne and Tiffany, I finished up my works cited page and sent my paper to Rachel to have her proofread it. Lucas, Liz, Chloe, and I met Rob at Old Chicago for a little get-together before break. We had some pop and (Rob and Lucas) had appetizers. Chloe left early. Afterwards, Lucas, Liz and I went back to Rob's apartment with him. We sang a few songs, ate some delicious chex mix, talked in British accents, and had a grand time. I got back to my room, finished my paper (after Rachel proofread it), proofread her paper for her, and submitted mine. HUGE weight off my shoulders. Now I just have to make sure I don't forget anything when I pack tomorrow-YIKES! But also, I CAN'T WAIT TO GET HOME!!! I've been so busy here that I haven't been able to make it home much, NOT TO MENTION the fact that I haven't seen Kaden and Connor since the beginning of January. JANUARY!!! Too long. CAN'T. WAIT. to see them tomorrow! I must be off to bed now.. I have to be up early for a pedicure :)
Photo: Katlyne playing with her food..... wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, YEAH!
Photo: Katlyne playing with her food..... wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, YEAH!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Bruise Progression: 2 weeks later.
I'm slowly making progress. The bruise is still pretty tender. I decided to stop being such a pussy and just use my arm. It has actually helped! I can put my hand on my hip and I can even reach my back now! I still can't straighten it all the way though. That will come! (Soon, I hope!)
March 7
Happy Hump Day, seriously.
I had absolutely no desire to get out of bed. None. I did, though. I went and worked out-and walked back in shorts and a tshirt. 62 degrees!! It was awesome. I grabbed lunch quick between classes from the Union. After class I quick changed clothes (& I looked super cute, by the way) and headed to work. It was so nice out! I spent the majority of my time in customer service because they were swamped. I finally got my break with about an hour of my shift left, ha. After work I went back to campus to eat supper with Jen and then headed to Hudson for choir practice. I got back to campus about the same time Katlyne did and we went to 23rd Street so she could get some supper. I really should do some homework now....we'll see how that goes. Photo of the day is the beautiful Jen, playing peek-a-boo. She's really 5 years old at heart.
I had absolutely no desire to get out of bed. None. I did, though. I went and worked out-and walked back in shorts and a tshirt. 62 degrees!! It was awesome. I grabbed lunch quick between classes from the Union. After class I quick changed clothes (& I looked super cute, by the way) and headed to work. It was so nice out! I spent the majority of my time in customer service because they were swamped. I finally got my break with about an hour of my shift left, ha. After work I went back to campus to eat supper with Jen and then headed to Hudson for choir practice. I got back to campus about the same time Katlyne did and we went to 23rd Street so she could get some supper. I really should do some homework now....we'll see how that goes. Photo of the day is the beautiful Jen, playing peek-a-boo. She's really 5 years old at heart.
March 6
Happy birthday to my best friend, Mollie :)
I am so behind.
Ok so it was a busy day...ish. Luckily Zac texted me at 7:30 or I would not have been awake in time for my class. Apparently my body did not want to wake up to my alarm. Anyway, I had lunch with Morgan, Danielle, Katlyne, and Jen. In French, we convinced Holi (whom none of us really like) to hold class in Seerley because students are having a study vigil as a silent protest to the changes happening here at UNI (Seerley is where Ben Allen's office is). We got there and talked a little about the assignment due Thursday. Apparently she had a big grad student test to study for, so someone said, "We can just study here on our own if you want to go study for your test." She said, "Are you sure?" Of course we all agreed. "yeah, yeah! Go ahead!" so she left. and so did half of our class, haha. I stayed, however, because I had a class after so I had no reason to leave. Olivia made a sign to set up by us:
I am so behind.
Ok so it was a busy day...ish. Luckily Zac texted me at 7:30 or I would not have been awake in time for my class. Apparently my body did not want to wake up to my alarm. Anyway, I had lunch with Morgan, Danielle, Katlyne, and Jen. In French, we convinced Holi (whom none of us really like) to hold class in Seerley because students are having a study vigil as a silent protest to the changes happening here at UNI (Seerley is where Ben Allen's office is). We got there and talked a little about the assignment due Thursday. Apparently she had a big grad student test to study for, so someone said, "We can just study here on our own if you want to go study for your test." She said, "Are you sure?" Of course we all agreed. "yeah, yeah! Go ahead!" so she left. and so did half of our class, haha. I stayed, however, because I had a class after so I had no reason to leave. Olivia made a sign to set up by us:
"We appreciate the value of foreign languages"
There's a talk about cutting the French program which is REALLY frustrating, but I won't go into that.
After my 2:00 class I met in the library with Eddie and Courtney to work on the listening part of our French workbook together. We do it together because it's really difficult and she grades really hard. When we finished with that Tiffany, Katlyne and I went on a walk around campus, where I found my new friend...
I skipped choir practice at St. Stephen's and instead went to Coldstone with Katlyne and Tiffany because it was our CAC fundraiser there. No word on how much we made, but the ice cream was delicious. I went to bed early because I was so exhausted.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
March 5
Countdown. 1 week until Spring Break. I can do this. I hope.
I worked out this morning before class (& I could definitely tell it had been a while. :S ) I went to my classes and then had lunch with Courtney. I worked 2-6:15 and then came back and had supper with Morgan, Jen, and Katlyne. After supper I went to the Union for bank night to turn in my money for Relay and then we had an exec meeting(which lasted way too long.) My photo of the day is of me with BOTH of my hands on my hips, because I can. Hooray for making progress!! :)
I worked out this morning before class (& I could definitely tell it had been a while. :S ) I went to my classes and then had lunch with Courtney. I worked 2-6:15 and then came back and had supper with Morgan, Jen, and Katlyne. After supper I went to the Union for bank night to turn in my money for Relay and then we had an exec meeting(which lasted way too long.) My photo of the day is of me with BOTH of my hands on my hips, because I can. Hooray for making progress!! :)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
March 4
Happy Grammar Day! :)
I had to play at Hudson this morning so I was up at 7:45 to leave at 8. :) I came back to town and ran to HyVee quick. I went to my own church at 10:30, walked back with boy Morgan, and then had lunch with Katlyne. I took my time putting the clothes away that I washed on Friday and cleaning my room. I also got some Relay stuff done. I ate supper with Jen and Katlyne at 5 and then Rob picked me up at 5:30. His parents are in town and they wanted to hear our band, so we got together and played a few songs. Lucas's parents came from Adel, too. Liz's parents even got to hear us via Skype. It was lots of fun. :) I got back and hung out with Katlyne and Jen for a while, and then we had a fire drill. How annoying. I didn't do much today but I sure am tired......
My photo of the day is Danielle's unfortunate incident of the day....
I had to play at Hudson this morning so I was up at 7:45 to leave at 8. :) I came back to town and ran to HyVee quick. I went to my own church at 10:30, walked back with boy Morgan, and then had lunch with Katlyne. I took my time putting the clothes away that I washed on Friday and cleaning my room. I also got some Relay stuff done. I ate supper with Jen and Katlyne at 5 and then Rob picked me up at 5:30. His parents are in town and they wanted to hear our band, so we got together and played a few songs. Lucas's parents came from Adel, too. Liz's parents even got to hear us via Skype. It was lots of fun. :) I got back and hung out with Katlyne and Jen for a while, and then we had a fire drill. How annoying. I didn't do much today but I sure am tired......
My photo of the day is Danielle's unfortunate incident of the day....
Saturday, March 3, 2012
March 3
Successful day. Danielle and I headed out around 8:45. Our first stop was Panera for breakfast: YUM.
French toast bagel with honey walnut cream cheese. AMAZING.
Next stop was Target. We spent a long time there-and a good part of my money. I got a new swimsuit though, which was my mission for the day. After Target we headed to Maurices but had no luck. We headed to the mall next. After shopping all morning, we were starving so we headed back to campus to have brunch with Katlyne. I headed to work around 1:45 and worked until 6. Aaaaaand after work I shopped some more.........oops. Oh well. I got Panda Express for supper because the dining center was closed by the time I got back. I was so hungry that I actually ate all of the food I got there. Which is amazing for me. Katlyne came to my room and this is what our night consisted of:
And now it's bedtime. because I'm lame and go to bed at 10 on a Saturday night. Sue me. :)
movie night,
Panda Express,
Friday, March 2, 2012
March 2
Such a laaaaazy day. And also Friday.. :) I woke up..I don't even remember what time. Watched the Today show-pretty much did nothing productive. I went to class, had lunch by myself that consisted of: a pb&j sandwich, a bowl of captain crunch, some grapes, and a sugar cookie. Oh how I LOVE the Rialto on Fridays during Lent...............
I did some laundry in the afternoon. I was "that girl" that rode the elevator from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor with my laundry because I couldn't lift it (due to my arm). So I climbed into an elevator full of people to ride one floor. I hate that.
After laundry, Danielle and I went to Scratch to get cupcakes, and then ran to Target to get something uniform for us to wear for..... THE UNI HUNGER GAMES.
SO MUCH FUN. We forgot to take a team picture :( But we had some pretty sexy socks (on clearance at Target). Our team was Danielle, Morgan, Katlyne, and myself. One of the competitions was to write a song after being given a genre. Our genre was Rock. We ROCKED it. Our song was a compilation of I Love Rock n Roll and Bad Reputation-with Hunger Games lyrics. I'm trying to convince the girls to make a video of it, I'll keep you updated on how that goes :) The Hunger Games people video taped it so maybe it will be on the internet somewhere....who knows! We didn't win the overall competition but we were in the top 10 for our song writing skills. Hoorah! And now I'm exhausted, and am getting up to go shopping with Danielle at 8:30. Really excited for that :)
I did some laundry in the afternoon. I was "that girl" that rode the elevator from the 1st floor to the 2nd floor with my laundry because I couldn't lift it (due to my arm). So I climbed into an elevator full of people to ride one floor. I hate that.
After laundry, Danielle and I went to Scratch to get cupcakes, and then ran to Target to get something uniform for us to wear for..... THE UNI HUNGER GAMES.
SO MUCH FUN. We forgot to take a team picture :( But we had some pretty sexy socks (on clearance at Target). Our team was Danielle, Morgan, Katlyne, and myself. One of the competitions was to write a song after being given a genre. Our genre was Rock. We ROCKED it. Our song was a compilation of I Love Rock n Roll and Bad Reputation-with Hunger Games lyrics. I'm trying to convince the girls to make a video of it, I'll keep you updated on how that goes :) The Hunger Games people video taped it so maybe it will be on the internet somewhere....who knows! We didn't win the overall competition but we were in the top 10 for our song writing skills. Hoorah! And now I'm exhausted, and am getting up to go shopping with Danielle at 8:30. Really excited for that :)
Oh, Happy Day! (The name of my cupcake)
(please disregard the fact that I look a little like death)
Hunger Games,
Today show
March 1
White Rabbit.
I had a Math test this morning.....yikes. But I did better on it than I did on the last one. I had lunch with Morgan, Danielle, and Katlyne. After class I watched Ellen with Katlyne......it was Justin Bieber's birthday so she COULDN'T MISS IT. I worked on some homework during the show. We had supper at 5, I went to Praise and Worship practice at 6, and then we went to the hot tub/pool around 7. (We as in Morgan, Jen, Danielle, and I.) I headed to bed around 10:30. My photo of the day is the ever-so-proper Rob playing the piano at practice tonight. :)
I had a Math test this morning.....yikes. But I did better on it than I did on the last one. I had lunch with Morgan, Danielle, and Katlyne. After class I watched Ellen with Katlyne......it was Justin Bieber's birthday so she COULDN'T MISS IT. I worked on some homework during the show. We had supper at 5, I went to Praise and Worship practice at 6, and then we went to the hot tub/pool around 7. (We as in Morgan, Jen, Danielle, and I.) I headed to bed around 10:30. My photo of the day is the ever-so-proper Rob playing the piano at practice tonight. :)
Thursday, March 1, 2012
February 29
Happy Leap Day!
I had a conference with my Writing teacher this morning.....worthless. It took about 5 minutes. I went to the Union to work out for the first time in a week. Obviously I couldn't do much, but I rode the exercise bike while starting a new book-Water for Elephants (I'm waiting for a friend to finish the second Hunger Games book so I can read it). I came back to the room to shower...when I walked up the stairs, BOTH bathrooms were "temporarily closed for maintenance". Whaaaaaat. So I couldn't shower until 10:45, and then Danielle was complaining because she was ready to eat but I wasn't. Oh goodness it was a fiasco. (not really, though). I didn't have my 11:00 class so I had lunch with Danielle and then went to French at noon. It was RIDICULOUSLY windy outside, plus snow. It was crazy. During French, Flavia decided to push the test back (yet again-I'm not complaining though) to Monday. Woohoo! I worked from 2:15-6:15....that was not easy. Emily decided to cancel choir practice for tonight so I didn't have to drive to Hudson in the crazy weather. I came back to the dorms and ate Ramen while Morgan ate pizza and we watched America's Funniest Home Videos. I showered, watched Modern Family with Morgan, and then we HELPED KATLYNE CARRY HER STUFF INSIDE!!!! She came back. Oh my goodness I missed her so much. I'm so glad she's back. :) My picture is of her door, decorated by Danielle, for her homecoming.
I tried my first Naked smoothie today. Addicted. They are so ridiculously good. (but expensive). Luckily I have about 120 dining dollars left to use. :)
Lindsay posted a picture of Connor's first night at the bowling alley. Is he not the cutest thing ever?! I miss him so much, squishy face and all.
I had a conference with my Writing teacher this morning.....worthless. It took about 5 minutes. I went to the Union to work out for the first time in a week. Obviously I couldn't do much, but I rode the exercise bike while starting a new book-Water for Elephants (I'm waiting for a friend to finish the second Hunger Games book so I can read it). I came back to the room to shower...when I walked up the stairs, BOTH bathrooms were "temporarily closed for maintenance". Whaaaaaat. So I couldn't shower until 10:45, and then Danielle was complaining because she was ready to eat but I wasn't. Oh goodness it was a fiasco. (not really, though). I didn't have my 11:00 class so I had lunch with Danielle and then went to French at noon. It was RIDICULOUSLY windy outside, plus snow. It was crazy. During French, Flavia decided to push the test back (yet again-I'm not complaining though) to Monday. Woohoo! I worked from 2:15-6:15....that was not easy. Emily decided to cancel choir practice for tonight so I didn't have to drive to Hudson in the crazy weather. I came back to the dorms and ate Ramen while Morgan ate pizza and we watched America's Funniest Home Videos. I showered, watched Modern Family with Morgan, and then we HELPED KATLYNE CARRY HER STUFF INSIDE!!!! She came back. Oh my goodness I missed her so much. I'm so glad she's back. :) My picture is of her door, decorated by Danielle, for her homecoming.
I tried my first Naked smoothie today. Addicted. They are so ridiculously good. (but expensive). Luckily I have about 120 dining dollars left to use. :)
Lindsay posted a picture of Connor's first night at the bowling alley. Is he not the cutest thing ever?! I miss him so much, squishy face and all.
Look at those teeth!
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