My amazing family.

My amazing family.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


This is a story I will tell my children (and probably grandchildren) someday.

I came home from the dance party around 1:30. I walked in my room, only to meet my roommate at the door. She said, "I just went to the bathroom and I came back and there's someone in your bed." Naturally, I thought it was a friend who was playing a joke on me. 'Twas not. I looked and sure enough, there was someone in my bed. You read that right. Some drunk ass girl decided that my room was her room for the night. Seriously. She came in the room, took her pants off, put MY BATH ROBE on, and climbed into my bed. So I got Joyce to come coax her out of bed (which took about 10 minutes.) When she sat up, there was blood on her face (and also on my pillow and comforter). We Joyce helped her out of bed (literally lifted her down) with help from her friend Bonnie. Joyce took her to the lounge while Bonnie called the RA on call. Ashley(RA on call) called the police. When they showed up they talked to her for about 10 minutes. The only information they got out of her was that her name was Mariah and that she was born in 1982 in Noehren Hall (a residence hall here on campus). She was not born in 82 because she couldn't have been more than 19 years old. She didn't have any ID on her. I did find her clothes in my room, however. The police had to take her into custody because she couldn't tell them where she actually lived.

"Mariah" stopped by my room today (I wasn't home.) She left a note on my marker board saying, "please call this number. I'm looking for information about where my purse/phone is."

Best of luck to her in finding her possessions.

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